Deceuninck FY 2023 Results EN

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Regulated Information
Wednesday 28 February 2024 at 6:30h CET

Fourth consecutive year record adj. EBITDA in challenging times



Net Result

Net Debt

¬ 866.1m

¬ 117.9m


¬ 13.6m

¬ 70.6m

( ¬ 974.1m LY)

( ¬ 102.3m LY)

(10.5% LY)

( ¬ 7.6m LY)

( ¬ 88.3m LY)

Executive Summary
$ Adj. EBITDA increased to ¬ 117.9m (+15.3% vs 2022) driven by continuing strong business performance in Turkey and improved profitability in North America.
$ Adj. EBITDA-margin increased to 13.6% in 2023, compared to 10.5% in 2022.
$ The record Adj. EBITDA has been realized in a challenging market environment with a very strong business performance in Turkey,
while volumes continued to be under pressure in Europe and North America.
$ Sales in 2023 decreased by 11.1% of which 4.1% due to lower volumes and 7% due to exchange rate, price and product mix movements.
$ Net income increased from ¬ 7.6m in 2022 to ¬ 13.6m in 2023.

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