Db04 24 Sort Db Uk Gbeng Bw Ava 132 Centro Duo

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" Pure simplicity and unpretentious elegance are what distinguish these baths
" Enamelled waste cover and overflow knob integrated in the








" Classic four-cornered model
" Bathing with a friend: two identical back rests and centrally positioned waste
" Made of KALDEWEI steel enamel



bath design (also available with filling function)










Dans la boutique

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Db04 24 Sort Db Uk Gbeng Bw Mst 1712 4080 Meisterstueck Conoduo 1 Right Corner Installation 2 Sided
30/07/2024 - files.cdn.kaldewei.com
MEISTERSTÜCK CONODUO 1 RIGHT a1 e1 a6 CORNER INSTALLATION (2 SIDES) f9 bath design (also available with filling function) c1 f8 " Bath made of high-quality steel enamel with enamelled panelling on two sides " Specially designed for corner installation " Available as right or left-hand model " Straight-lined, purist design " Enamelled waste cover and overflow knob integrated in the c2 a7 f7 " Made of KALDEWEI steel enamel " Designed by Sottsass Associati r1 f2 b1 b6 e2 f1 c19 c4 b11 Similar...

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CLASSIC DUO OVAL FREESTANDING a1 a6 e1 " Pure simplicity and unpretentious elegance are what distinguish these baths " Bathing with a friend: two identical back rests and centrally positioned waste " The moulded panel emphasises the high design standard c1 c2 a7 f8 and enables the bath to be free-standing " Made of KALDEWEI steel enamel h4 h2 r 1 b6 f7 b11 f9 g2 g1 f2 f1 c4 e2

Db04 24 Sort Db Uk Gbeng Bw Ava 732 Conoduo
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30/07/2024 - files.cdn.kaldewei.com
CONODUO a1 " Straight-lined, purist design " Enamelled waste cover and overflow knob integrated in the a6 e1 f8 h4 c2 " Classic four-cornered model " Bathing with a friend: two identical back rests and centrally positioned waste " Made of KALDEWEI steel enamel " Designed by Sottsass Associati c1 a7 bath design (also available with filling function) h2 g2 f7 f9 b6 r1 b11 g1 f2 b1 Similar illustration c3

Db04 24 Sort Db Uk Gbeng Bw Ava 132 Centro Duo
Db04 24 Sort Db Uk Gbeng Bw Ava 132 Centro Duo
30/07/2024 - files.cdn.kaldewei.com
CENTRO DUO a1 " Pure simplicity and unpretentious elegance are what distinguish these baths " Enamelled waste cover and overflow knob integrated in the a6 e1 c1 h4 c2 f8 b6 " Classic four-cornered model " Bathing with a friend: two identical back rests and centrally positioned waste " Made of KALDEWEI steel enamel b11 a7 bath design (also available with filling function) h2 g2 f7 f9 g1 r1 f2 b1 c3 f1 c4

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Franz Kaldewei GmbH & Co. KG Declaration of performance online at https://kaldewei.com/qmwn0611007_19082021 13 KBW001 Badewanne Persönliche Hygiene EN 14516:2006+A1:2010 13 KDW001 Duschwanne Persönliche Hygiene EN 14527:2006+A1:2010 13 KWT001 Waschbecken Persönliche Hygiene EN 14688:2006 GUARANTEE, CARE AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MADE IN GERMANY + WES 130 Art.-No. 687676540000 dry EE 30 YE ARS GU ARAN T GUARANTEE  GB KALDEWEI steel enamel is marked by its exceptional longevity....

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