Connecting screws VHS 32 Connecting angle - Hettich

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Connecting screws VHS 32
Connecting angle
Connecting screws VHS 32
Carcase connector for extra strength.
For 5 mm dia. drilling.
The connecting sleeves are 27 mm long.
The threaded sleeve is set back to facilitate screwing in the connector screw.
Screw M4 x 15 mm, nickel-plated steel
Connecting sleeve, nickel-plated steel

Connecting angle for 32 mm hole lines
Can be used universally as a connecting fitting for carcase panels, back panels and drawer fronts.
chrome-plated or plastic coated steel


Wood thickness

Order no.




Order no.


VHS 32/27

28  36 mm

1 054 519


Connecting angle
32 mm

chrome-plated white

1 006 734
1 007 206

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