Cleaning Recommendations Decorative Pfleiderer Products Im0029974

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July 23

Decorative Pfleiderer products

ð· FunXTional Products  Duropal XTreme, Duropal SolidColor XTreme,
Duropal XTreme Touch, Duropal XTreme plus,
PrimeBoard XTreme
ð· Duropal HPL, Duropal SolidColor
ð· Melamine faced boards are characterised by excellent material properties. They are durable, hygienic and easy to clean.
The following recommendations serve as a guideline for proper cleaning with optimum care and cleaning effect in order to maintain the condition of the material surface in the long term.
They do not claim to be complete. Pfleiderer also has no commercial connection with the manufacturers of the cleaning agents mentioned. The general cleaning recommendations of the manufacturers apply. Pfleiderer accepts no liability for damage caused by improper use of the recommended cleaning agents or cleaning tools, or by inadmissible chemical or mechanical effects.
Table of content
GENERAL CLEANING INFORMATION ................................................................................... 2
CLEANING RECOMMENDATIONS  Decorative Pfleiderer products ..................................... 3
CLEANING RECOMMENDATIONS  Duropal XTreme, Duropal SolidColor XTreme, Duropal
XTreme Touch, Duropal XTreme plus, PrimeBoard XTreme .................................................. 7
SPECIAL CLEANING  Duropal HPL, Duropal SolidColor, Duropal XTreme, Duropal
SolidColor XTreme, Duropal XTreme Touch, Duropal XTreme plus ........................................11
RETOUCHING MATERIAL  Offer by special suppliers..........................................................13

Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH
Ingolstädter Straße 51
92318 Neumarkt


+49 (0) 9181 28 - 480
+49 (0) 9181 28 - 482 www.

Page 1 of 14

July 23

Daily basic cleaning is used for soiling under normal conditions of use. As a rule, this is greasy soiling caused by cooking or baking, but also by fingerprints, liquid residues and stains.
Cleaning is done by regular application of ideally warm water cleaning agent solutions. Commercially available washing-up liquids or grease-dissolving all-purpose cleaners are suitable as cleaning substances. Heavy soiling is first soaked. Then wipe the damp surface with hot,
clear water until all residues of the cleaning agent have been removed. Finally, rub with a dry,

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