CCPA Privacy Notice

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

CCPA Privacy Notice for California Residents

This Privacy Notice for California Residents ( the Privacy Notice ) supplements the information contained in the Privacy Policy of Acorn Mobility Services Limited and its subsidiaries (collectively, "Acorn Stairlifts " or "us" or "we ) and applies solely to individuals who reside in the State of California, as defined in Section 17014 of Title 18 of the California
Code of Regulations, who have specific rights regarding their personal information.
The Privacy Notice is effective as of January 1, 2020, pursuant to the California Consumer
Privacy Act of 2018 ( CCPA ) and applies to the websites (all of them referred to hereinafter as Sites ) operated by any Acorn Stairlifts entities. It also applies to Acorn Stairlifts' provision of products and services to you and/or where you provide us with Personal Information.

Personal Information
"Personal Information" consists of any information that identifies, relates to, describes,
references, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked
(directly or indirectly) with a particular consumer or household.
In particular, Acorn Stairlifts has collected the following categories of Personal Information within the last twelve (12) months:


What personal data do we collect
Contact details such as real name, alias, postal address, email address.
Other unique identifiers include: device IP address, cookie string data,
operating system, and (in the case of mobile devices) your device type,
and mobile device's identifier (such as the Apple IDFA or Android
Advertising ID) and any other unique identifier that may be assigned to any device by third parties and cross-referenced to recognize a device.

Personal information categories listed in the California Customer
Records statue (Cal.Civ. Code §

A name, signature, address, telephone number, debit card number,
credit card number, bank account number, medical information or health insurance information.
Note: Some personal information included in this category may overlap with other categories.

Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law

Age, gender, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability

Commercial Information

Dans la boutique

CCPA Privacy Notice
CCPA Privacy Notice
18/08/2024 -
CCPA Privacy Notice for California Residents This Privacy Notice for California Residents ( the Privacy Notice ) supplements the information contained in the Privacy Policy of Acorn Mobility Services Limited and its subsidiaries (collectively, "Acorn Stairlifts " or "us" or "we ) and applies solely to individuals who reside in the State of California, as defined in Section 17014 of Title 18 of the California Code of Regulations, who have specific rights regarding their personal information. The...

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