Case Study Tofu King Uk Web

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Floor Solutions

Tofu King selects Stonhard as Flooring Partner for New Bean Curd
It was clear from the outset that Stonhard could be trusted to deliver. Their experience, expertise and attention to detail was second to none. 

Products used for Tofu King, United Kingdom:
Stonclad ®UF
Stonhard's Expertise in Food & Beverage Plants Extends to
Plant-Based Food Manufacturers
Stonhard, a leading manufacturer and installer of seamless,
hygienic floors, has added yet another leading plant-based food manufacturer to its credentials: UK leading, independent tofu producer, Tofu King. Expanding its UK operations to meet the surge in demand for its bean curd products, the manufacturer has extended production capabilities by moving to a new production and warehouse facility in Aston, Birmingham. The site will produce tofu blocks, sheets, and fried varieties in this one location.

It quickly became clear how Stonhard takes time to understand its customers' exact requirements. Soon, ideas and inspiration were shared to create the hygienic flooring solution developed especially for Tofu King's new manufacturing plant.

Seeing is Believing  Customer Evaluates Stonhard Capabilities
Following recommendations from other food manufacturing companies and after meeting with Stonhard personnel at a trade exhibition, Tofu King selected Stonhard to supply and install the flooring system for their new bean curd factory. Tofu
King owner and Managing Director, Yan Lui, accompanied the
Stonhard team on a visit to a pizza manufacturer's supply chain center to see the flooring system in person. This was another facility in which Stonhard manufactured and installed the flooring.

Stonclad Urethane Floors for Hygienic Protection in Food
During the two-month project period, Stonhard installed
1380m2 of copolymer screed pitched to specification. These pitches, or falls , allow water to run to drain rather than puddle on the floor where bacteria could grow and jeopardize the safety of the product. This was then overlaid with Stonclad UF, a highperformance polyurethane floor screed. Stonclad UF is hardwearing and slip resistant. Its dense, waterproof, seamless surface makes it hygienic and easy to clean.

We needed to expand our UK operation to meet continued

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