Case Study Embraer Portugal Final Eng Web

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Floor Solutions

Stonhard offered lining solutions in containment areas and traffic aisles to withstand specific chemical exposures and traffic conditions
Stonhard's Stonchem series, exceptional protection for ultra-corrosive environments.

Products used at Embrear Portugal S.A.:
Stonchem® 602 " Stonchem® 678 " Stonchem® 778 "
Stonchem® 878
Embraer S.A. is a Brazilian aerospace conglomerate that produces commercial, military, executive and agricultural aircraft and provides aeronautical services. It was founded in 1969 in São José dos Campos,
São Paulo, where its headquarters are located. The company is the third largest producer of civil aircraft, after Boeing and Airbus.
In Évora (Portugal), in the Aeronautical Industry Park of Évora, Embraer
Portugal was inaugurated on September 21st, 2012, despite having been in operation since July 2012, and is part of the company's internationalization strategy for the market European.
Embraer Portugal has three companies with different areas of activity:
" Embraer Portugal Estruturas Metálicas SA uses technologies with a high level of automation to build, in aeronautical aluminum, the wing linings and vertical warping of the KC-390 military aircraft, the wings of the Legacy 450, Legacy 500, Praetor 500 and executive aircraft Praetor 600, wing liners and stringers for the E-2 commercial aviation line and parts for the E-Jets commercial aviation line.
" Embraer Portugal Estruturas em Composites SA produces, in carbon fiber, the leggings of the Legacy 450, Legacy 500, Praetor

500 and Praetor 600, the horizontal stabilizer of the KC-390 and E-2, and also parts for E- Jets.
" At Embraer Portugal S.A., the support services for the factories are concentrated, namely advisory services for Administration,
Financial, Logistics and Purchasing, Information Technologies,
Human Resources and MASS - Environment, Health and Safety.
Inaugurated in 2014, it also has an Engineering and Technology
Center responsible for Product Development Engineering.
All works were completed during the first few months of the
COVID-19 pandemic where lodging and other accommodations were not easily accessible from the job site. Stonhard's installers did an excellent job in navigating the COVID
environment, respecting all safety procedures in place by the customer and working through a challenging time.
The existing containment area had been coated with a polyurea in 2012
that showed swelling, wrinkling, and delamination- all indicators of severe chemical attack. The chemicals in question included 98% sulfuric acid, 68% nitric acid, and 50% sodium hydroxide. The customer also had heavy forklift traffic in some areas.

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