Case Spotlight Food Manufacturer Eu

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :





Moisture in concrete

Product Solution:

Stonclad® UT, Stonfil® OP2,
Blücher Drains

Scope of work:

Stonhard does more than manufacture and install floors for every industry around the world, we evaluate, advise on and manage the full scope of a project from beginning to end. When a food manufacturing company in Colorado recognized an issue with moisture in its facility's washroom, the company consulted with Stonhard. Stonhard is well

known within the food and beverage industry for providing flooring systems formulated to handle demanding conditions and has the capabilities to diagnose the root cause of issues. In addition,
through an exclusive partnership with Blücher,
HACCP-certified hygienic drains can be installed with the Stonhard flooring system. Blücher drains are not only compatible with our floors, but work with them in such a way that each product increases the lifespan of the other.
For this project, Stonhard undertook all aspects from concrete removal and new plumbing to concrete pour-back and flooring system installation.
Our Construction Management Group sent an onsite superintendent to oversee the job and focus on every detail of the installation and its schedule.
Prior to the concrete pour, a Blücher drain with plastic insert was put in place. The concrete was then sloped a quarter of an inch per foot around

the drain to ensure against the pooling of water.
The plastic insert was removed after the concrete had cured to create a chase detail for the poured-inplace floor to be installed flush with the drain.

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