Carbon Footprint 14064 En

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

ISO 14064-1 2019


Attention to the environment has always been part of the general framework of corporate governance, and over the past decade, the fight against climate change has inevitably become more important to Finder.
Finder, one of the leading manufacturers of electronic and electromechanical devices, is aware that the transition to a climate-neutral economy is a strategic objective of the European Green
Deal, so in 2020 it started to carry out an annual GHG (Greenhouse Gas) inventory, and has voluntarily certified its reporting in accordance with ISO 14064-1:2019.
Since then, there have been encouraging improvements in the environmental indicators, both overall (-1.5% of tCO2e in FY 2022 compared to the FY 2019 baseline) and in relation to production
(-22% of tCO2e in FY 2022 compared to the FY 2019 baseline).

Head offices, Finder Almese (TO), Italy

Head offices, Finder Almese (TO), Italy

The ambitious goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 involves:
" the self-production of energy from photovoltaic systems to cover a proportion of internal needs
" purchasing the remaining energy needs almost entirely from renewable sources
" improving efficiency, and upgrading the Group's facilities through more efficient technologies and equipment, high thermal insulation, intelligent lighting and microclimate control systems
" internal procedures for the progressive reduction of waste, and of the consumption of natural resources.
Finder's contribution to the fight against climate change in 2022 included:
" a saving of 750.9 tCO2e from the self-generation of energy from renewable sources
" a saving of over 30 tCO2e associated with circular economy initiatives such as recovery of packaging, production waste and the reuse of by-products
" a saving of 5 tCO2e through projects to offset the environmental impacts of office buildings
(such as planting of trees in designated areas).
Whilst improving and consolidating high standards of manufacturing excellence, Finder continues to invest in raw materials, packaging, and business practices in general that achieve a reduced environmental impact, and a significant recycled content (low carbon). This ensures that indicators such as CO2e emissions, waste generation and consumption of natural resources continue to decrease in line with global market expectations for sustainability.

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