
Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


This is a universal seating furniture that consists of three sofa modules in different shapes. Add a backrest and create countless combinations to fit any need and space, from the small lobby to the large meeting area.

Escape Sofa
Design Mario Ruiz



Mario Ruiz
Escape Sofa



Edsbyn Factory





Color & Trim

Leather, Fittings & Finish


Dans la boutique

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Eski Edsbyn's rich history of manufacturing has come alive in the Eski Chair. The silhouette of the famous windsor chair Fanett is recognisable in the stitching of the upholstered seat  a seat made of new biomass foam which only lowers the environmental footprint, not the comfort. 4-Star Column Swivel Eski Chair Design Luca Nichetto 2 4-Star Swivel 4-Legged Design Luca Nichetto Eski Chair 4 8 Responsibility Sustainability Climate-Smart Edsbyn Factory 11 12 15 Modularity 4-Star Column...

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Troy Troy is a trolley that will extend the offer of any room. With a calm form pressed wooden front, a technique that Edsbyn has mastered for over 100 years, Troy gently blends in with the interior while simultaneously being open for service. Troy Trolley Design Mario Ruiz 2 Design Mario Ruiz Troy Trolley 4 8 Responsibility Sustainability Climate-Smart Edsbyn Factory 12 14 16 Modularity Models 20 Color & Trim Finish 23 3 Mario Ruiz studied industrial design at Elisava Facultad...

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Choice Choice is a minimalisic, durable and affordable table series, that with its flexibility and scalability, always meets the customer's needs. Designed by Edsbyn. Facade Edge Amendment Date Approved No. Amendment Date Approved Drawn by JK Title Material Date View 2022-02-10 Dimension Scale 1 : 10 Part Number Remark Replaces Replaced by R Drawing no.

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Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

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Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

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