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This is a universal seating furniture that consists of three sofa modules in different shapes. Add a backrest and create countless combinations to fit any need and space, from the small lobby to the large meeting area.

Escape Sofa
Design Mario Ruiz



Mario Ruiz
Escape Sofa



Edsbyn Factory





Color & Trim

Leather, Fittings & Finish


Dans la boutique

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Escape This is a universal seating furniture that consists of three sofa modules in different shapes. Add a backrest and create countless combinations to fit any need and space, from the small lobby to the large meeting area. Escape Sofa Design Mario Ruiz 2 Design Mario Ruiz Escape Sofa 4 8 Responsibility Sustainability Climate-Smart Edsbyn Factory 12 14 16 Modularity Modules Backrest Table 20 22 23 Color & Trim Fabrics Leather, Fittings & Finish 26 28

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