Brochure: accessorio piattaforma

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Sicurezza e produttività in un solo cestello!
%  Sicurezza
Emergenza: in condizioni di emergenza, Bobcat offre la possibilità esclusiva di ritrarre la piattaforma e di riportarla a terra attraverso una scatola di sicurezza montata sia a bordo della piattaforma che sul retro della macchina.
Rilevatore della piattaforma: segnala alla macchina quando la piattaforma è in uso, attivando i dispositivi automatici di sicurezza. Inoltre, il sensore del sovraccarico blocca tutti i movimenti della piattaforma non appena il carico abbia raggiunto il valore limite.
Le maniglie curvate verso l interno e gli occhielli per l imbracatura di sicurezza garantiscono la massima protezione dell operatore senza nulla sacrificare alla produttività.

%  Produttività
Vano portaoggetti: benché estremamente compatta, la piattaforma offre spazio in abbondanza per riporre vari oggetti sotto il gruppo del comando a distanza.
Manovrabilità: con una rotazione di 90° in entrambe le direzioni, la piattaforma viene manovrata attraverso un comando a distanza utilizzabile anche per l azionamento di altri accessori.

Affidabilità: la robusta costruzione in acciaio migliora notevolmente l affidabilità della piattaforma, mentre l indicatore di batteria in esaurimento e la batteria di emergenza assicurano un operatività continua in ogni condizione. Inoltre, il sistema di aggancio rapido
Quick-Tach riduce i tempi morti connessi con il cambio degli accessori.

Solo 10 secondi sono necessari per estrarre le prolunghe della piattaforma e per bloccarle in posizione di sicurezza con i perni a molla!

2 porte: montate su entrambi i lati della piattaforma, permettono un accesso agevole e garantiscono la massima sicurezza dell operatore.

È possibile scegliere tra la piattaforma in versione da
2,4 m di lunghezza (estensibile a 4 durante l uso) per
3 persone e la versione da 1 m per 2 persone.


Dans la boutique

Compact Excavators - Bobcat EMEA
Compact Excavators - Bobcat EMEA
09/12/2014 -
335 Compact Excavators Exceptional stability Exceptional performance With an operating weight of 4.2 tonnes, the Bobcat® 335 compact excavator is ideal for general excavation work, digging for foundations, demolition work, lifting jobs and much more. Thanks to ideal weight distribution, the 335 Two dipper lengths offers exceptional stability in all operating The standard dipper stick gives a digging depth of nearly 3.6 m, conditions. Like all Bobcat® compact excava- while the optional...

E14 - Bobcat EMEA
E14 - Bobcat EMEA
09/12/2014 -
E14 Compact Excavators E14 Specifications Standard Features Hydraulically retractable undercarriage from 1330 mm Hydraulic joystick controls to 980 mm Retractable seat belt 980 mm dozer blade with two 190 mm blade extensions Spark arrester muffler Long dipperstick Seat 200 mm rubber track * TOPS/ROPS canopy Double acting auxiliary hydraulics with quick couplers Work lights Control console locks Warranty: 12 months, 2000 hours, whichever comes Horn first Make / model Fuel / Cooling Bore /...

Planer Attachment Specifications
Planer Attachment Specifications
01/12/2010 -
Planer Attachments Planer Specifications Benefits Applications Equipped with direct-drive, high-torque hydraulic motors, these low maintenance attachments efficiently mill asphalt or concrete. The planers feature hydraulic side-shift for planing close to walls and curbs. Consistent depth control and ski depth visible from the operator seat. Make precise adjustments with fingertip controls. " Construction " Road repairs Approved machines 14  / 36 cm Standard-Flow Planer 18  / 45 cm High-Flow...

T35100SL Telescopic Specifications
T35100SL Telescopic Specifications
01/12/2010 -
T35100SL | Telescopic Handlers T35100SL | Specifications Performance Lifting height -- on stabilisers Lifting height -- on tyres Rated capacity Capacity (at max. height) Capacity (at max. height on tyres) Capacity (at max. reach on stabilisers) Capacity (at max. reach on tyres) Max. reach on stabilisers Max. reach on tyres Crowding force 11080.0 mm 10770.0 mm 3500 kg 3200 kg 2500 kg 1200 kg 500 kg 7360.0 mm 7450.0 mm 4600 daN 8124 kg TITAN 400/70x20 150B 166A2 LIFT RIGGER II (4 bar front/ rear)...

Auger brochure
Auger brochure
09/12/2014 -
Auger | Attachments Drill holes of 15 to 90 cm diameter with plumb-line accuracy. Five models of the Bobcat auger attachment are available: %  Features of the model 10, 15C/15H and 30C/30H drive units include: " Direct drive for more eûcient operation. A smaller drive housing allows the entire drive unit to follow the bit into the hole, adding 30 cm more digging depth than a standard drive unit (305 mm bit or larger). " More torque. An eûcient design and modified displacement give these...

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Download Artikel -
09/12/2014 -
Job story  Bobcat Im Dienste der Logistik Am Hafen von Livorno spielt eine Flotte von Kompaktladern eine wichtige Rolle beim täglichen Löschen von Schüttgut von Schiffen. Eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe, wie geschaffen, um die robuste Zuverlässigkeit dieser Maschinen unter Beweis zu stellen. Im Hafenviertel : von Livio Stoveri. Die Marke Bobcat war aus naheliegenden Gründen schon immer mit dem Baugewerbe verbunden. Tatsächlich werden Produkte von Bobcat auch in vielen anderen Bereichen...

E14 Excavator Specifications
E14 Excavator Specifications
01/12/2010 -
E14 Compact Excavators E14 Specifications Standard Features Hydraulically retractable undercarriage from 1330 mm Hydraulic joystick controls to 980 mm Retractable seat belt 980 mm dozer blade with two 190 mm blade extensions Spark arrester muffler Long dipperstick Seat 200 mm rubber track * TOPS/ROPS canopy Double acting auxiliary hydraulics with quick couplers Work lights Control console locks Warranty: 12 months, 2000 hours, whichever comes Horn first Make / model Fuel / Cooling Bore /...

Technische Daten - E55 Kompaktbagger -
Technische Daten - E55 Kompaktbagger -
09/12/2014 -
E55 | Kompaktbagger E55 | Technische Daten Standardmerkmale 1960 mm Planierschild 400 mm Gummiraupen Automatische Drehzahlregelung Fahrantrieb mit Schaltautomatik Zusatzhydraulik mit Schnellkupplungen Wählbarer Zusatzhydraulik-Ölfluss Planierschild-Schwimmstellung Kabinenbeleuchtung Vorinstallation Hydraulikklammer Steuerkonsolenverriegelung Becherhalter Motor- und Hydrauliküberwachung mit Abschaltung Gewichte Zusatz- und Schwenkhydrauliksteuerung per Tastendruck Hupe Warnton bei vollem...

512 201 ATM 4 1 Tirer pour dégager les deux clips de fixation 2 ...
512 201 ATM 4 1 Tirer pour dégager les deux clips de fixation 2 ...
10/03/2012 -
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CERTIFICATE This is to certify that WILO SE Wilopark 1 44263 Dortmund Germany with the organizational units/sites as listed in the annex has implemented and maintains an Environmental Management System. Scope: Development, manufacture, sales and service of pumps and pump systems for Building Services, Water Management and Industry. Through an audit, documented in a report, it was verified that the management system fulfills the requirements of the following standard: ISO 14001 : 2015 Certificate...

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Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

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Rythmer les façades avec la nouvelle gamme de volets coulissant sur-mesure ONDÉA
03/05/2017 -
INFORMATION PRESSE Mai 2017 Rythmer les façades avec la nouvelle gamme de volets coulissants sur-mesure ONDÉA Depuis quelques années, le volet coulissant est un incontournable de l architecture moderne. Avec son design résolument contemporain et ses nombreuses possibilités de création en termes de matériaux, dimensions et couleurs, il séduit maîtres d Suvre et particuliers. Pour répondre à tous les projets de construction et de rénovation, qu ils soient résidentiels ou tertiaires, individuels...

Corinne ORTUNEZ, Responsable Marketing Op?rationnel et Communication
Corinne ORTUNEZ, Responsable Marketing Op?rationnel et Communication
02/07/2019 -
INFORMATION PRESSE Janvier 2019 CORINNE ORTUNEZ, RESPONSABLE MARKETING OPERATIONNEL ET COMMUNICATION Corinne Ortunez succede a Bertrand Lafaye au poste de Responsable Marketing operationnel et Communication de Kawneer France et Sud Europe, fabricant de systemes architecturaux en aluminium. Diplomee de Langues Etrangeres Appliquees a l'Universite Paul Valery de Montpellier, Corinne ORTUNEZ, 53 ans, a effectue quasiment toute sa carriere chez Kawneer ou elle a occupe pendant 17 ans le poste de Responsable...