Belle wins Queen's Award

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Press release


May 2008

Belle wins Queen's award


he Belle Group has won a Queen's award for Enterprise In International Trade 2008. The Award is regarded as the highest honour that can be bestowed on a UK company and is presented in recognition of business performance and outstanding achievements. Belle employs over 450 people and operates factories in the UK and Poland, with sales offices across the world. In 2007, turnover was £51m, and the company reported total annual growth of 25 %. Managing Director Ray Nellson comments "From humble beginnings, Belle has grown into a dynamic company which operates a sustainable business model, offering its customers a competitive advantage." He says that major success has been achieved in export sales, expanding rapidly in many European countries, as well as Middle-East, USA and South Africa, reaching more than 90 countries. Belle, which was founded more than 50 years ago, sells light construction equipment in six products groups, comprising compaction, mixing, wet concreting, sawing/ cutting, moving and breaking, with the hire industry representing one of its largest markets. It has established research and development facilities at its headquarters in Sheen, Derbyshire, and at its Polish facility. Technology such as robot-welding machines and laser cutting equipment has been incorporated for quick and accurate manufacture, and multi-lingual staff have been appointed at Sheen to answer telephone enquiries from France, Germany and Italy in the caller's native tongue. Belle Group contact 01298 84606 or e-mail:

Press contact
125, rue du Mas de Carbonnier - 34000 Montpellier - France Tel. +33 (0)4 99 64 30 39

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