Belle Part Centre On Line 24 hours a day 7 days a week

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Press release

April 2008

Belle part centre on-line
24 hours a day
7 days a week


elle Group announces the development of a new website aimed at parts replacement and maintenance for all Belle products. The new website gives existing machine users a one-stop-shop solution for all their parts needs. Users can access exploded schematic diagrams supported by fully referenced part listings,
including part numbers and descriptions for each machine. Belle has included both existing and legacy machines from the past ten years on the new site in order to maximize its usefulness to our customers. Parts lists, books and diagrams can be printed or saved for references and parts orders can be assembled stored and placed on-line giving the users all tools to repair and maintain their Belle products. Account holders can select diagrams and parts lists to give to their customer and include their own details when offering quotes. Notes can be added to parts selections so that regularly placed orders can be repeated without going through the full selection process an especially useful feature where service interval parts and maintenance kits are regularly required.
Parts availability is shown on the site and once an order is placed it can be tracked through to dispatch. The website has full, key word search facilities meaning that a user can identify a Belle machine from a very sketchy description and the site will offer options which can be rejected until the user focuses down on the correct product. Supersessions are identified with dates of manufacturing changes so that the user can select the correct part and alternatives can be identified.
Belle Group increase customer satisfaction 24/7 through
Full product specifications are available from
Belle Group contact 01298 84606
or e-mail:

Press contact
125, rue du Mas de Carbonnier - 34000 Montpellier - France
Tel. +33 (0)4 99 64 30 39

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