Belle builds Baromix

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Executive hire news


August 2009

Belle builds Baromix


n an unsurprising move following its acquisition of Belle Group in the spring. French-base Altrad has announced that it has transferred production of the Baromix mixer range from Alcester to Belle's manufacturing facility in Sheenwith the obvious intention to retain both mixer ranges in its product portfolio. According to Belle MD Ray Neilson, "this move enables us to add great value to the Baromix product range because, with our existing facilities, we can now laser-cut parts in Sheen, rather than transferring these components from mainland Europe. Other quality improvements have also been introduced. On the Baromix Commodore range, for example, we are now offering electricpowered units and these are readily available. All Baromix spare parts are also now available on the Belle web site. ln addition, we are carrying out market research on AItrad's ranges of scaffolding, aluminium towers and wheelbarrows, with a UK and Ireland launch scheduled for later in the year."

Press contact
125, rue du Mas de Carbonnier - 34000 Montpellier - France Tel. +33 (0)4 99 64 30 39

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