BAC Rigging PLC3 EN

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


PLC3 Evaporative Condensers


About rigging and installation
The BAC equipment should be rigged and installed as outlined in this bulletin.
These procedures should be thoroughly reviewed prior to the rigging and operation to acquaint all personnel with the procedures to be followed and to assure that all necessary equipment will be available at the job site.
Be sure to have a copy of the unit certified drawing available for reference. If you do not have a copy of this drawing or if you need additional information about this unit, contact the local BAC representative. His name and phone number can be found on the The model type and serial number of your equipment are indicated on the unit nameplate.

Recommended maintenance and monitoring programme
Checks and adjustments





Every 6



Cold water basin & strainer



Water wall
Operating level and make-up



Blow down


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