B 600664 Sbs 5852 Part 1

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Wira House, West Park Ring Road,
Leeds, LS16 6QL, UK.
Telephone: +44 (0)113 259 1999
Email: info@bttg.co.uk
Website: www.bttg.co.uk

22 March 2019

Our Ref:
Your Ref:

56164 1 1


1 of 4

Kvadrat A/S
Lundbergsvej 10
8400 Ebeltoft

Job Title:

Cigarette And Match Test

Client's Order No:

Date of Receipt:
Date of Test Start:

15 March 2019
21 March 2019

Description of Sample(s):

One sample identified as follows was received for testing:

Moss 02 by Sahco

Work Requested:

We were asked to make the following test:
Testing to Schedule 4, Part 1, The Cigarette Test  and Schedule 5, Part 1, The Match
Test  of The Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988 S.I. No. 1324 (as amended by SI 1989 No. 2358, SI 1993 No. 207 & SI 2010 No. 2205), using BS 5852:Part

Dans la boutique

M 600664 Smartindale
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02/08/2024 - kvadrat-downloadcenter.azurewebsites.net
Doc. nr. : SK-70 Page : 1 of 1 Revision nr. : 9 Approved by : BV Test report Martindale Abrasion NS-EN ISO 12947-2 :2016 TEST 082 Client Product SAHCO GmbH KREUZBURGER STRASSE 17-19 DE-9047 1 NÜRNBERG Tyskland Art. MOSS Col. 21 Client's reference R-no. Nicole Frei R16567 Type of fabric  tested object Date Date of receipt, tested object Test completed date Rev. no. / Rev. date 24.06.2019 19.06.2019 24.06.2019

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CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Sahco 289607-420 Moss 16 Aug 2022 - 27 Feb 2025 Certificate Number Certificate Period Certified Status UL 2818 - 2022 Gold Standard for Chemical Emissions for Building Materials, Finishes and Furnishings Commercial furniture and furnishings are tested in accordance with ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-2011(R2016) and determined to comply with ANSI/BIFMA X7.1-2011(R2016) and ANSI/BIFMA e3-2019 Credit 7.6.1, 7.6.2, and 7.6.3. Seating products are modeled in the seating environment...

Cc 600664 Colour Card Moss Sahco
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N 600664 Spilling
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02/08/2024 - kvadrat-downloadcenter.azurewebsites.net
Doc. no. : SK-71 Page : 1 of 1 Revision no. : 9 Approved by : BV Test report Textile Pilling NS-EN ISO 12945-2 :2000 TEST 082 Client Product SAHCO GmbH KREUZBURGER STRASSE 17-19 DE-9047 1 NÜRNBERG Tyskland Art. MOSS Col. 21 Client's reference R-no. Nicole Frei R16567 Product specification  tested object Date Date of receipt, tested object Test completed date Rev. no. / Rev. date 24.06.2019 19.06.2019 21.06.2019

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Australian Wool Testing Authority Ltd - trading as AWTA Product Testing A.B.N 43 006 014 106 1st Floor, 191 Racecourse Road, Flemington, Victoria 3031 P.O Box 240, North Melbourne, Victoria 3051 Phone (03) 9371 2400 Group Number Assessment (In accordance with AS 5637.1-2015) This is to confirm that the product as described below has been tested by AWTA Product Testing . Testing was performed in accordance with AS/NZS 3837-1998 Method of test for heat and smoke release rates for materials and products...

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Moss Colour fastness to rubbing DIN EN ISO 105-X-12 Color: 0001 * 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 * 0008 * 0009 * 0010 0011 0012 * 0013 0014 * 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 * Dry: 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5

B 600664 Sbs 5852 Part 1
B 600664 Sbs 5852 Part 1
02/08/2024 - kvadrat-downloadcenter.azurewebsites.net
Wira House, West Park Ring Road, Leeds, LS16 6QL, UK. Telephone: +44 (0)113 259 1999 Email: info@bttg.co.uk Website: www.bttg.co.uk Date: 22 March 2019 Our Ref: Your Ref: 56164 1 1  Page: 1 of 4 Kvadrat A/S Lundbergsvej 10 8400 Ebeltoft Denmark Job Title: Cigarette And Match Test Client's Order No:  Date of Receipt: Date of Test Start: 15 March 2019 21 March 2019 Description of Sample(s): One sample identified as follows was received for testing: Moss 02 by Sahco Work Requested: We...

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02/08/2024 - kvadrat-downloadcenter.azurewebsites.net
Test Report Report No.: A 823806-2 Assignor: Kvadrat A/S Lundbergsvej 10 8400 Ebeltoft Attn.: Anna Vilhelmine Ebbesen Subject: Upholstery fabric Moss 52% cotton, 22% CV, 6% Linn, 3% PA, 14% Acryl (as per info from the assigner) Sampling: The test material was sampled by the client and received at the Danish Technological Institute 06.08.2018 Method: See Appendix 1. Period: The testing was completed 07.09.2018 Result: Individual results appear from Appendix 1. Storage: The test material...

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