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It all started with a skilled craftsman in a small carpentry shop in the heart of
Sweden. The carpentry shop grew to become one of the largest ski manufacturers in the world. With an inherent respect for raw materials and a desire to utilize waste wood, Edsbyn began manufacturing Windsor chairs. The Fanett Windsor chair, of which over 5 million were sold, was produced from waste wood from our ski manufacturing.
Today, the pride and knowledge still live on at the Edsbyn Factory, a top modern furniture factory that remains located in the heart of Sweden.



Factory and headquarters in Edsbyn, Sweden.
Showrooms in Edsbyn, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Oslo & Shanghai.
More than 120 years of experience of manufacturing furniture.
Innoative products in collaboration with designers and architects.
All of our furniture may be configured and are made by order.
Edsbyn was the first office furniture company approved for the Nordic
Ecolabel, and our products are approved according to Möbelfakta.

Edsbyn strives to be your natural choice when making furniture selections while considering sustainability and care for the environment. We are constantly working to improve our production processes and carefully select all of the raw materials we use.

Our location in the middle of the forests of Hälsingland is our origin and heritage that instills a natural respect for the raw material.
Working with sustainability is a natural and significant part of our history.



Edsbyverken is certified according to quality and environmental management standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
We expect materials from our suppliers to fulfil the criteria for environmental certification  and we require our suppliers to accept ethical and social responsibility, just like Edsbyn does.

Certified according to Möbelfakta means:
Technical quality standards for sustainability, stability and safety and for surface resistance.

Dans la boutique

24/07/2024 -
CONFIGUR ABLE FURNITURE FROM EDSBYN THE STORY OF EDSBYN It all started with a skilled craftsman in a small carpentry shop in the heart of Sweden. The carpentry shop grew to become one of the largest ski manufacturers in the world. With an inherent respect for raw materials and a desire to utilize waste wood, Edsbyn began manufacturing Windsor chairs. The Fanett Windsor chair, of which over 5 million were sold, was produced from waste wood from our ski manufacturing. Today, the pride and knowledge...

24/07/2024 -
Escape This is a universal seating furniture that consists of three sofa modules in different shapes. Add a backrest and create countless combinations to fit any need and space, from the small lobby to the large meeting area. Escape Sofa Design Mario Ruiz 2 Design Mario Ruiz Escape Sofa 4 8 Responsibility Sustainability Climate-Smart Edsbyn Factory 12 14 16 Modularity Modules Backrest Table 20 22 23 Color & Trim Fabrics Leather, Fittings & Finish 26 28

24/07/2024 -
Gather Gather is a sofa program that has taken the best from two worlds; the practicality of a modular and the aesthetics of a stand-alone. Designed by Andreas Engesvik. GATHER A NEW CROSS OVER Gather is a sofa program that has taken the best from two worlds; the practicality of a modular and the aesthetics of a stand-alone. The program allows you to setup configurations best suitable for your needs, without compromising on aesthetics or comfort. Thin legs are mounted on a steel frame with free...

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Access Access Storage is a storage series with focus on function and flexibility. Designed by Edsbyn. ACCESS STORAGE SWI N G D O O R S 8-9 O P E N STO R AG E P E R S O NAL LO C K E R 16-19 10-11 S LI D I N G D O O R S 20-21 TOWE R 14-15 AC C ES S G R I P 23-25 R O LLE R D O O R S 14-15 AC C ES S O R I ES 26-29 D R AWE R I N S E RT 14-15 C O LO U R S 30-31 WAR D R O B ES 2 15

24/07/2024 -
Hug Hug is a chair composed for comfort, accessibility and function. Designed by Jens Fager. HUG CHAIR This is a chair composed for comfort, accessibility and function. The challenge has been in working with the pressed veneer to achieve bold curves which are comfortable yet retain the clean lines and strength of the material. Design Jens Fager 2 3 4 5 SOFT SEAT Hug Chair either come with a back and seat in pressed veneer or with a soft upholstered pad for longer sitting. 6 7 8 9 MAKING...

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24/07/2024 -
Cup 1 Some like to savour a conver­sation and others like to keep it short, just like their coffee. Irrelevant of style and circum­stances, Cup is a stool that accommodates all kinds of breaks. Cup Stool Design Luca Nichetto 2 Design Luca Nichetto Cup Stool 3 7 Responsibility Sustainability Climate-Smart Edsbyn Factory 12 14 16 Modularity Measurements & Details 21 Color & Trim Fabric, Leather & Finish Fittings 24 27 3 Luca Nichetto graduated in industrial

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