Arpa is a leading manufacturer of
HPL panels for interior applications.
Arpa uses a strategic framework to steer its business towards durable long-term growth. This framework has four key elements: license to operate (LTO), market, cash & cost and capabilities. The thinking behind these elements is to control non-business risk, grow the business, maximize the contribution of growth and ensure that the right skills are on board for successful execution of all plans.
Within these elements, the priority lies with LTO, which includes topics such as:
" Health and Safety of employees and the local community
" Product compliance to meet regulatory requirements
" Transparent (financial) reporting and appropriate behaviour by employees
" Sustainability and the preservation of the Environment
To increase transparency with respect to LCA results and modelling thereof Arpa has recruited an in-house LCA
This paper consists of five chapters:
1. Philosophy and Beliefs
2. Sustainability Policy
3. Progress on site efforts (2011-2015)
4. Measuring environmental impact (LCA)
5. Sustainability approach 2017-2020
Sustainability became part of Arpa's LTO strategy in 2010. As an anchor and guideline to our efforts on sustainability, we use the ISO 26000 standard Guidance on Social Responsibility'.
Many of the topics that we consider to be our LTO priorities are incorporated in this ISO standard under one of the six so-called core subjects, ranging from Human Rights to Community
Involvement and Development 1.
We have selected The Environment as a starting point for our sustainability efforts. This core subject covers the next four topics:
Prevention of pollution
Sustainable resource use
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Protection and restoration of the natural environment