Angst+Pfister%20Group Human%20Rights%20Policy En

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Angst+Pfister Group Human Rights Policy

Dear Colleagues,
dear Partners,
The culture of the Angst+Pfister Group has always emphasized respect and fairness alongside with technical excellence and innovation. We value our employees as our most valuable resource. This policy reinforces the values of the
Angst+Pfister Group, our Code of Conduct as well as our long-term strategic goals.
We work with business partners who share our commitment to Human Rights,
ethics and compliance. We clearly communicate our expectations, agree on contractual obligations where appropriate and take necessary measures to ensure that these obligations are met.
We will continue to develop the integrity of our culture to contribute to the sound sustainable development of our company as well as strong partnerships.

Marc-Antoine Chariatte
Angst+Pfister Group

Christof Domeisen
CEO and Delegate of the Board
Angst+Pfister Group


This policy sets forth the values and principles of the Angst+Pfister Group and reflects our commitment to

uphold human and workplace rights in all Angst+Pfister Group operations globally respect the rights and dignity of all individuals provide equal opportunity for personal development ensure a safe and sound working environment foster diversity and inclusion, fairness and respect


We recognize our responsibility with regards to:

1. Compliance
The Angst+Pfister Group conducts business compliant with all locally applicable legal requirements, in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of all people.
This policy is based on national and international labor laws as well as internal guidelines. We respect all applicable Human Rights principles, including the
United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights and the International Labor Organizations  Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

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