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Sandwich Elements

flexible building. sustainable thinking.

flexible building. sustainable thinking.

ALUFORM Goes Green: Invest and Build with a Sense of Responsibility for the Future
Sustainability, credibility and honesty at companies affect people and the natural world, more than ever now. So protecting the environment is part of our corporate philosophy. We can only maintain a world where life is worth living for the generations of tomorrow if we act responsibly now. ALUFORM is committed to this long-term perspective. 3. The use of standing seam profiles with unformed silicon thin-layer laminates on a roof measuring 3,200 m means that solar energy is used efficiently. 4. The installed AluSolar solar panel roof system feeds energy into the grid and saves the company 100,000 kWh per annum. 5. Approx. 85 % of the heat required by the factory is produced by a newly conGreen thinking and a pro-active approach ­ ALUFORM invests in the future 1. ALUFORM manufactures its products by paying the greatest possible attention to the environment and is constantly working on improving its manufacturing technologies. 2. The facade covering for a new production facility at the Bernsdorf business site consists of aluminium sandwich elements and meets all the requirements laid down in the German Energy Conservation Regulations for Buildings 2009. Ecological building plus generating renewable energy 6. ALUFORM products are environmentallyfriendly and are 100% recyclable at the end of their useful life. 7. Approx. 95 % of energy is saved by recycling aluminium. 8. ALUFORM products and their long serviceable life support sustainable building for industry, offices and residential property. structed biogas combined heat and power plant. This enables ALUFORM to reduce its CO2 emissions by 500 tonnes per annum. ,,Building for the future" ­ creatively and sustainably with ALUFORM products Sustainable thinking in architecture and the building industry is a milestone towards acting in a responsible manner. ALUFORM products provide architects and planners with creative space for modern architecture design and environmentally-friendly, energy solutions.

9. ALUFORM products, like roof-integrated solar power solutions, are an ingenious combination for building in an environmentally-friendly way and saving resources 10. As a responsible partner for architects, planners and installation companies, ALUFORM represents forward-looking building.



Sandwich Elements for Roofs and Facades: ALUTHERM®

ALUTHERM Sandwich Elements ­ the Key to Energy-Efficient, CostEffective and Sustainable Building
Aluform sandwich elements for roofs and walls have first-class insulation properties, are very energy-efficient and meet the stipulations of the German Energy Conservation Regulations for Buildings 2009. By using these products, it is possible to make an effective and sustainable contribution to protecting our climate.

Architects and building planners are going to have to assume a much greater responsibility for all future building and redevelopment projects than in the past.

Benefits If you use the aluminium shaped panels, this means: low weight resistance to the elements and corrosion a high degree of heat reflection potential no maintenance and an unrestricted serviceable life ­ i.e. cost-effectiveness

ALUFORM guarantees that the German Energy Conservation Regulations for Buildings 2009 are followed with its sandwich elements and ensures that the best possible levels of sustainability can be achieved for building projects if its products are used.

ALUTHERM sandwich elements can be fitted on complete roofs or facade walls and provide heat insulation in one working cycle because of the high degree of pre-

The value of buildings can be maintained in the long term as a result of the high

fabrication that is used ­ and this can normally take place whatever the weather conditions. Once they have been fitted, Alutherm roofs and walls require hardly any maintenance.

Alutherm sandwich elements are not only suitable for ecologically sound new buildings, but also for redeveloping existing constructions.

fire-proof levels and the environment is protected through these products, which provide heat insulation and have a long serviceable life.


ALUTHERM ® Sandwich Elements

Cost-effectiveness Ecological and economic issues are becoming increasingly important in the building sector. You can make a contribution towards cost-effective planning and design work by using ALUTHERM Aluform sandwich elements. This product combines the outstanding anti-corrosion properties and the low weight of aluminium, the high load-bearing capacity of the trapeze profile and the excellent heat insulation properties of the polyurethane rigid foam in an ideal way.

Surfaces Aluminium shaped panels can be supplied with a mill finish smooth, mill finish stucco embossed design or paint-coated surface and the sandwich elements with various standard colours. Colour systems or colours that deviate from normal standards can also be supplied if the order exceeds 500 m . The standard colour system can be accessed at

Service Experienced engineers in application engineering advise building owners, planners and installation companies with regard to: the special features of building with aluminium and sandwich designs professional design solutions for details issues of corrosion, fire and lightning protection construction physics transport storage installation

The ALUTHERM sandwich elements with polyurethane rigid foam have been generally tested and authorised by the German Institute for Building Technology in Berlin with certificate no. Z-10.49-514 for building supervision and building legislation purposes.

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