Aluform prospect projects mobile roll forming

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PROJECTS Mobile roll forming

flexible building. sustainable thinking.


Mobile roll forming

Mobile roll former and mobile expanding machine

No task is too small or too big. ALUFORM assumes the complete project management for the production and assembly of aluminium facade, roof and ceiling elements ­ all over the world.

We produce aluminium seam profiles with our mobile roll former in different plate thicknesses ­ flexibly and efficiently directly on site. This service is complemented by another mobile machine for the expanding (circular form bending) of

Mobile roll forming is mainly used for larger quantities or profiled panel lengths over 15 metres. For this purpose, the roll formers and the aluminium coils are delivered to the construction site. The roll forming of the profiled panels can be done directly on site. The applied narrow strip roll former is ideal for the mobile application on building sites and considerably reduces the costs for the transport of over-length profiled panels which, otherwise, would be very expensive.

aluminium seam and aluminium cover profiled panels.

With both mobile devices, big and difficult to transport or complicated arcs with several radii or convex and concave forms, respectively, are produced in one single panel. On site, the processing of the aluminium profiles can be adjusted optimally with regard to constructional particularities.



Mobile cambering

Processing of aluminium seam profiles 65/305, 65/333 and 65/400 is possible in different plate thicknesses.

The mobile aluminium seam roll former is situated in a 20-foot container, protected from the weather. Power may be supplied by means of temporary services on site or by a diesel generator set. During the roll forming operation, the coiler has to be folded outwards. Roofing serves as a protection against atmospheric exposures.

To be able to use the mobile aluminium seam roll former and the mobile expanding machine on site, sufficient space must be available. Qualified staff is provided on the construction site for the operation of the machine. In addition to that, the house builder has to provide support and assembly personnel for the production of aluminium seam profiles of different lengths.

Supplementary to the Aluform roll former, a mobile expanding machine is available in a separate container, with which aluminium seam and aluminium cover profiled panels can be chamfered on site.


Mobile services

The ALUFORM project management department will assist you with regard to all occurring questions for the application of our mobile roll formers and expanding machines.

Furthermore, ALUFORM offers an extensive service package for all planning, project, construction and production services belonging to the project.

Aluform ­ always part of the future

High-quality products and a high-performance project management are the bases for profitable partnerships.
Visions and ideas for individual facades made from aluminium set the benchmark for our work. For ALUFORM, customerorientation with regard to the supervision of complete projects sets the tone for profitable partnerships with architects and house builders. This is how we provide our experience of many years and our extensive technical-constructive know-how for our customers. ALUFORM convinces with competence and efficiency: we assume planning services; we advise our customers with regard to the drafting of construction suggestions and provide tables with widths between supports for all profiles available in our product range. The determination of wind and snow loads existing on the building, and allowable distances between supports make the range of services offered to our customers perfect. Thus, ALUFORM is a powerful partner for your architectural or constructional project. We break new ground with you ­ innovative, brave and full of passion. This is the only way to transform visions and ideas into impressively light, energy-saving facades, which are always part of the future in colour, form and function.

flexible building. sustainable thinking.

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