Aluform aluminium sinusoidal profiles trapezoidal profiles

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Sinusoidal and trapezoidal profiles

flexible building. sustainable thinking.


Sinusoidal and trapezoidal aluminium profiles open up a wide range for resource friendly architectural design rich in form and colour

Hall of residence, Wuppertal Sinusoidal profile, Aluform 18/76

Iberg Dripstone Cave, Bad Grund Sinusoidal profile, Aluform 18/76

Industrial hall Sinusoidal profile, Aluform 18/76

Aluminium ­ a unique material in the architecture
Aluminium is a fascinating and very universal building material for facades, ceilings and roofs. Moreover, the following aspects speak in favour of the preferred application in the old building and of the modern architecture the low mass and high stability, the resistance to weathering and corrosion, the high heat reflectance, maintenance free and long service life, the creative variety and aesthetics of the material.

ALUFORM has been producing aluminium profile systems for more than 40 years, develops them constantly and always corresponds with the state-of-the-art technology. Not without pride, the company looks back on a produced area of more than 100 millions m2 for roof and wall panelling.

constancy. Additionally, there is a wide selection of sinusoidal and trapezoidal profiles with mill finish smooth or stucco embossed surfaces as well as roll-shaped profiles with coil anodised aluminium.

Application areas for ALUFORM systems Sinusoidal and trapezoidal aluminium

Sinusoidal and trapezoidal aluminium profiles offer a unique variety for individual architectural design to every architect and builder. Building facades, ceilings and roofs can be put in the spotlight concerning flat structures and unlimited variety of colours. The material Aluminium and the high quality of the surface finishing guarantee a longlasting aesthetic effect and high colour

profiles are particularly suitable for singlelayer or multi-layered wall and roof constructions in industrial, public and agricultural buildings.


Surface-coated aluminium profiles offer various application possibilities for the design of facades, roofs and ceilings

Remo-Invest office building, Brussels Sinusoidal profile, Aluform 18/76

Verbeelding Zeewolde Art Pavilion Sinusoidal profile, Aluform 18/76

HCI Nieuwegein Industrial Building Sinusoidal profile, Aluform 18/76

Should aluminium surfaces be bright, stucco embossed or lacquered? The choice is yours! By means of the reaction with oxygen, a dense oxide layer is formed on the aluminium surfaces. It protects the material from aggressive weather effects. Therefore, Aluform systems of sinusoidal and trapezoidal profiles can be applied as mill finish smooth or stucco embossed surface for facades and roofs. Changes of colour, gloss and surface finish caused by the weather may affect the aesthetic impression and exclude a satisfactory cleaning.

There are many advantages to the use of coloured surface refinement. Coloured aluminium profiles offer various possibilities of the architectural impact for coated facades and roofing. Colour coatings with Polyester or Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVdF) guarantee a high colour brilliance and successful facade cleaning for a long time.

ALUFORM standard colours

Mill finish smooth Mill finish stucco embossed 6 standard colours of double-layer polyester lacquer Sheet thickness Layer thickness, visible side Degree of gloss Protective paint, rear side 1 standard colour of double-layer PVdF lacquer (metallic) Sheet thickness Layer thickness, visible side Degree of gloss Protective paint, rear side 0.8 mm approx. 25 m 35 GU 3 m 0.7 mm approx. 25 m 35 GU 3 m

With the variety of metallic colours ALUFORM offers almost unlimited possibilities of the colour variations and the metallic gloss of aluminium surfaces. Architects and builders can let their ideas flow in combination with the ALUFORM sinusoidal and trapezoidal profiles.

Examples for ALUFORM standard colours see the brochure No. 750 ,,Coloured Surface Finish of Aluminium Profiles".


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