Aluform aluminium anti drumming coating

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PRODUCTS Anti-drum coating

flexible building. sustainable thinking.


Anti-drum coating

Aluform Profiled panels with Sound-Deadening Coating

Due to their very low inside damping, profiled panels of metal sheeting are easily caused to produce vibrations by the effects of structure-borne noise exciters (rain, hail). These vibrations are then emmitted again in the form of annoying airbone drumming noises.

Aluform profiled panels with Anti-drum coating Aluform AD achieve a high loss factor and as a result good sound deadening with the selection of an optimal ratio of the sheet thickness to the coating thickness. The thickness of the Anti-drum coating is approx. 1.4 mm.

For this reason, a sounddeading compound is applied to the Aluform profiled panels to achieve improved insulation values

Measurements on 0.7 mm thick aluminium sheets showed an increase in the loss factor on coated sheeting by a factor of 25. This means a reduction in the noise level by approx. 28 dB.


Aluform AD ­ multifunctional coating of Aluform panels to damp structure-borne noise

are profiled panels with a light-beige coating on an aqueous latex basis and present no physiological danger. The coating is sprayed onto the Aluform sheets on the inner room side and gives these plasterlike surface.

© Foto: Rene Schwietzke

ALUFORM offers you: finish-coated profiled panels from the Aluform line coating of accessory sheets

Paint-coated sheets have a removable protective film on the painted side.

Due to technical reasons, the Anti-drum coating onto mill finish material is not

The maximum profile panel length is 20 m. Short lenghts under 2 m cannot be coated. To prevent the penetration of moisture as


The coating compound also offers the following advantages: heat insulation (prevents partial formation of condensed water) = 0,2 W/mK also absorbs small quantities of condensed water climate-proof flame-retardant ­ B1 as per DIN 4102 rot-resistant

the result of capillary effects, the profiled panels are coating-free along their lenghtwise edges. The same should also take place laterally to the profile sheet at the joints and the eaves

Aluform System GmbH & Co. KG Dresdener Straße 15 D-02994 Bernsdorf

Phone: +49 (0) 35723 99-0 Fax: +49 (0) 35723 99-401 Email:



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