Aluform aluminium anti condensation coating

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PRODUCTS Anti-condensation coating

flexible building. sustainable thinking.


Anti-condensation coating

Profiled aluminium Panels with GRAFO-THERM coating for roof and facade structures

In certain room climates, roofs or profiled aluminium panels without thermal insulation (ventilated roofs) will be subject to the hazard of condensation depending on outside temperatures. This condensation can be attributed to the fact that the warmer and water vapourcontaining air of the building interior makes contact with the profiled panels and cools down on their cold surface. The conditions found to occur with ventilated roofs may also be encountered on the facades of buildings.

Disadvantages caused by condensate: Corrosion of the steel supporting structure and fouling of or formation of mould on the timber supporting structure Damages to materials stored and machines Damages in agriculture when buildings are used for grain storage and animal housing Penetration of moisture into insulating materials Annoyance to passengers in covered areas, e.g. platform roofs in railway stations.

Aluform AT Anti-condensation coating ­ Provides an effective protection against dripping condensate

Aluform AT elements are profiled aluminium panels coated with GRAFO-THERM on one side (Table 1). Aluform AT will absorb condensation water and prevent it from dripping. Profiled aluminium panels coated with GRAFO-THERM will due to the generous specific surface texture dry at a faster rate than untreated panels. Surfaces coated with Aluform AT are given a bright texture similar to a plaster finish.


Aluform AT ­ multifunctional coating of Aluform panels to absorb condensation water

Tab. 1: Condensation water absorption rate to saturation depending on type of coat Description Water absorption capacity g/m2 after 8 hrs AT 06 AT 09 370 504 at saturation 500 675

Tab. 2: Versions of colour coats Outside colour coatings: Polyester or PVdF Inside grey GRAFO THERM

without colours: grey stucco-mill finish or smooth-mill finish GRAFO-THERM

Aluform AT is more than just a protection against condensation water.

Use of Aluform AT panels Aluform panels can be universally used for roofs and walls witch are subject to

Storage of Aluform AT panels The Aluform AT panels should be stored at a roofed place.

Fire protection: building material class A 2 according to DIN 4102 Noise protection, noise absorption: Profiled panels with AT coating can absorb noise at a rate of 5 ­ 30% depending on the thickness of the coat and the frequency of the sound waves encountered and can thus reduce the noise level in the building inside. Noise insulation: The AT coating will provide a deadening effect in case of hail-storm, heavy rainfall or wind. Loss factor, d komb 0,02 Thermal protection: AT coating will give a heat-insulating effect that reduces the condensation rate; thermal conductance 0.085 W/mK. Corrosion protection: Indirect effect by preventing condensate from dripping on the supporting structure.

condensation according to the time of the day, e.g. sheds without thermal insulation double-layer ventilated thermal roofs as weather protection agricultural buildings indoor swimming pools, sports halls platform roofs canopies grandstands garages The colours of the coats can be seen in Table 2. In addition to the standard program, other dimensions, coats or colours can be supplied on request. Range of Aluform AT panels offered Trapezoidal and sinusoidal panels are offered in two GRAFO-THERM standard coats (Table 1). The available lengths are from 2m to 20m.

Aluform AT will not replace neither an adequate thermal insulation layer nor an appropriate ventilation of the bottom or back sides.

Connecting elements, sealing materials and bent flashings are available for the installation of the panels. Flashings that are exposed to the inside and outside climate of a building are possible to be

Installation of Aluform AT panels Great care should be taken not to damage the coated aluminium panels during installation. Especially, the panels should not be in contact with the purlins when pushing them in place. Possible damages to the coat may be repaired by means of a brush. A drying time of approx. 8 hours must be allowed when dried in the open air (at about 20 °C). Make sure to install the panels in the specified direction.

coated with GRAFO-THERM on one side.

Aluform System GmbH & Co. KG Dresdener Straße 15 D-02994 Bernsdorf

Phone: +49 (0) 35723 99-0 Fax: +49 (0) 35723 99-401 Email:

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