Aeo Cert

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Certificato AEO

IT AEOF 12 0650

1. Titolare del Certificato AEO

2. Autorità che rilascia il Certificato

Codice EORI
IT0573261001 8

Agenzia delle Dogane
Direzione centrale gestione tributi e rapporto con gli utenti - Ufficio per i regimi doganali e per i traffici di confine

il Titolare ind icato nel riquadro 1 è un
Operatore economico autorizzato
Semplificazioni doganali / Sicurezza (AEOF)

3. Data di validità del certificato


Dans la boutique

Aeo Cert
Aeo Cert
03/08/2024 -
COMUNITÀ EUROPEA Certificato AEO IT AEOF 12 0650 1. Titolare del Certificato AEO 2. Autorità che rilascia il Certificato FINDER S.P.A. Codice EORI IT0573261001 8 Agenzia delle Dogane Direzione centrale gestione tributi e rapporto con gli utenti - Ufficio per i regimi doganali e per i traffici di confine il Titolare ind icato nel riquadro 1 è un Operatore economico autorizzato Semplificazioni doganali / Sicurezza (AEOF) 3. Data di validità del certificato 14/11/2012

Aeof En
Aeof En
03/08/2024 -
AEOF certification Finder SpA has attained Authorized Economic Operator - Full' (AEOF) certification. This certification is the highest level achievable in the EU programme for Authorised Economic Operators (AEO), and comprises Customs Simplifications and Security'. An AEO is a party involved in the international movement of goods that has been approved by or on behalf of a national customs administration as complying with World Customs Organization (WCO1) supply chain security standards. European...

Attestato Cribis Prime Company Eng
Attestato Cribis Prime Company Eng
03/08/2024 -
CRIBIS certifies that On 18th JANUARY 2024 The Company FINDER SPA DUNS Number 43821332 achieved the status of the recognition of maximum commercial reliability This recognition is based on the CRIBIS Rating, a dynamic and constantly updated indicator of the reliability of a company Sales Leader Chief Executive Officer

Finder Spa Iso 500012018 En
Finder Spa Iso 500012018 En
03/08/2024 -
FINDER S.P.A. Via Drubiaglio, 14 - 10040 ALMESE (TO) Certified sites are listed in the attachment to this certificate Bureau Veritas Italia S.p.A. certifies that the Management System of the above organization has been audited and found to be in accordance with the requirements of the management system standards detailed below ISO 50001:2018 Scope of certification Design, production, marketing and after sales assistance of pcb, plug in and power relays, relay interface modules, relay sockets and...

Carbon Footprint 14064 En
Carbon Footprint 14064 En
03/08/2024 -
ISO 14064-1 2019 CARBON FOOTPRINT ORGANIZATION UNI EN ISO 14064-1:2019  CORPORATE CARBON FOOTPRINT  11/2023 Attention to the environment has always been part of the general framework of corporate governance, and over the past decade, the fight against climate change has inevitably become more important to Finder. Finder, one of the leading manufacturers of electronic and electromechanical devices, is aware that the transition to a climate-neutral economy is a strategic objective of the European...

A Cms 722267466 156 1
A Cms 722267466 156 1
03/08/2024 -
DICHIARAZIONE DI VERIFICA No. A-CMS-IS-722267466-156_1 Si dichiara che l'Inventario delle Emissioni di Gas ad Effetto Serra predisposto dall'organizzazione e relativo alle attività della FINDER S.P.A. IN ITALIA è stato verificato con le modalità della UNI EN ISO 14064-3:2019 ed è risultato, in accordo ad un livello di garanzia limitato, conforme ai requisiti della UNI EN ISO 14064:2019 con riferimento al periodo 01/01/2022  31/12/2022 ed al campo di applicazione documentato nel rapporto...

Notice produit Dalle Ipe 50, dalle de circulation en ipé pour terrasses accessibles aux piétons
Notice produit Dalle Ipe 50, dalle de circulation en ipé pour terrasses accessibles aux piétons
28/06/2013 -
L étanchéité des toits terrasses Dalle Ipe 50 Dalle de circulation en ipé pour terrasses accessibles aux piétons Haute résistance aux charges Bois naturellement imputrescible Classement T11 par équivalence avec les dalles béton Description Dalles à lames en ipé rainurées et chanfreinées, de largeur 93 mm, assemblées non jointivement par vissage dans deux lames support. ½ Ipé bois naturellement imputrescible (compatible classe V) ; ½ Assemblage par vis en acier inoxydables ; ½...

15/10/2024 -
Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

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Gestion des risques sanitaires : Pourquoi choisir les raccords SYSTEM'O® de GIRPI pour contrôler la température des réseaux d'eau sanitaire ' Retour d'expérience de deux ut
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Information Presse Octobre 2017 Gestion des risques sanitaires : Pourquoi choisir les raccords SYSTEM O ® de GIRPI pour contrôler la température des réseaux d eau sanitaire ? Retour d expérience de deux utilisateurs Raccords SYSTEM O ® au Centre Hospitalier de Chambéry Flexible SYSTEM O ® Limiter la présence de bactéries dans les réseaux d eau sanitaire constitue une priorité absolue pour tous les Etablissements Recevant du Public (E.R.P.), en particulier les établissements...

Paraplac, le procédé réglementaire sans plan de retrait par excellence
Paraplac, le procédé réglementaire sans plan de retrait par excellence
28/06/2013 -
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???????? ???????????! ????? InnoTech ... - Hettich
???????? ???????????! ????? InnoTech ... - Hettich
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InnoTech: ?@>AB>9 =B06 8 @53C;8@>2:0 InnoTech: ?@>AB>9 =B06 8 @53C;8@>2:0 2 "5E=8G5A:0O 8=D>@B0 70 1=>ABL 30 :3 Quadro 25 Silent System Quadro 25 Stop Control - '0AB8G=>5 2K42865=85 - 03@C7>G=0O A?>A>1=>ABL 25 :3 >;>65=8O >B25@AB89 4;O Quadro / I5 =5 1K205B: @>AB> CAB0=>28BL OI8: =0 =0?@02;ONI85 8 70428=CBL...

Fixations pour éc hafaudag e - Fischer
Fixations pour éc hafaudag e - Fischer
05/12/2014 -
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