Acome Sustainable Report 2009

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Sustainable Development Report for 2009

Our economic, social and environmental responsibilities

Solutions for a connected world

Our economic, social and environmental responsibilities

ACOME's Sustainable Development Policy
Message from the Chairman
In the face of the difficult economic situation, ACOME maintained its commitment in favour of Sustainable Development at its three levels: economic, social and environmental. The eco-design initiative undertaken since three years is now formalised through a dedicated team and analytical and design tools; the eco-design culture is gradually extending across the company, through the creation of design offices in the three Business lines. Reckoning with the Grenelle de l'environnement ( Environment Summit) leads to better control over the environmental impact of our products through the preparation of Product Environmental Profiles ( PEP). It also enhances our competitiveness. Compared to competitors, our eco-designed products use fewer materials the life-span of which is longer, thus consolidating our position as the technological leader in our markets. The experience acquired has helped us and our fellow cable manufacturers, members of Sycabel (Association of French cable manufacturers), in developing the PEP ECO PASSPORT programme to ensure compliance of the Product Environmental Profiles, drawn up by operators in our business lines, with national and international environmental declarations. We have also undertaken to share with our partners our experience in the implementation of Sustainable Development policies. We have undertaken an awareness initiative aimed at our suppliers to encourage them to subscribe to the principles of the UN Global Compact and to comply with the requirements of the ISO 14001 standards. In line with the principles of the Global Compact, in order to promote equal opportunities of access to qualification and social advancement, ACOME has designed a special programme to train technicians in design, industrialisation or production organisation. The first batch of fifteen trainees started in April 2009.Within the framework of national consultation on the challenges of the new industrial policy, ACOME closely follows up on decisions relating to Information and Communication Technologies. In the last quarter of 2009, we participated in working groups under the Conference on Rural Areas in Lower Normandy and in November, we welcomed the Minister for Town and Country Planning at our Mortain-Romagny site. Régis Paumier, Chairman and CEO

The Ambition
Develop ACOME into an alternative model of a sustainable company through its profits and customer satisfaction.
Madrid ACOME France, Mortain, Normandy ACOME Xintaï Ltd, China, Shandong

ACOME Do Brasil Ltda, Irati, Brazil, State of Parana

ACOME Srl, Italy

ACOME GmbH, Germany

Wuhan ACOME Taiping, China, Hubei Province

Total workforce: 1350 | In Europe: 1100 | In China: 200 | In Brazil: 50

ACOME, a Workers' Production Cooperative, belongs to the so-called social economy sector. With a strong foothold in its territory, but exporting is knowhow and its products to the world, this SCOP has made Sustainable Development a guarantee of its long-term survival.

The Challenges
ACOME applies its strategic plan in view of building long term relationships with its partners based on trust

ACOME shares its know-how and trains its personnel in France and in its subsidiaries abroad and its partners

ACOME develops eco-design, reduces industrial impacts, and recovers wastes relying on a strong territorial foothold.

ACOME takes into account the three pillars of Sustainable Development:




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