68faf3 11eaca864aa0421da052056bd1936322

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form following function

Sliding Door Pulls

Product Code




75mm dia

75mm dia














Finishes : SN

trapex hardware ltd

Dans la boutique

68faf3 F9ee4b91f1ff457e9bbc785a489f4fbd
68faf3 F9ee4b91f1ff457e9bbc785a489f4fbd
22/07/2024 - www.trapex.com
TRAPEX R form following function G Edge Pull Handle Product Code + 50 + + + 44 + 7018.20.Black Sliding door edge pull Colour coated to RAL colour's 150 + Finishes : CC trapex hardware ltd www.trapex.com : info@trapex.com +44 (0)1992 462150

68faf3 5aac489051bc41458a2181d0f2569db6
68faf3 5aac489051bc41458a2181d0f2569db6
22/07/2024 - www.trapex.com
TRAPEX R form following function Bell Push Pictured on 52mm dia rose, also available without rose ûxing. See full details next page Stainless Steel, Finishes : SS, PS, PB, BZ, Black SAA trapex hardware ltd www.trapex.com : info@trapex.com +44 (0)1992 462150 TRAPEX R form form following following function function Bell Push Black Product Code SPEC.44931 Ö19mm Panel Cut Out Diameter The Front Shape: Flat 0.6mm Edge Terminal: ScrewOperation type: Momentary Surface Finish: Brushed...

68faf3 11eaca864aa0421da052056bd1936322
68faf3 11eaca864aa0421da052056bd1936322
22/07/2024 - www.trapex.com
TRAPEX R form following function Sliding Door Pulls Product Code 7015 7012 7016 75mm dia 75mm dia 75mm 75mm 7010 7014 7013 7017 45mm 45mm 7011 7013 155mm 45mm 45mm Finishes : SN trapex hardware ltd

68faf3 46d42f07d9944600b1e38bbc8c924faa
68faf3 46d42f07d9944600b1e38bbc8c924faa
22/07/2024 - www.trapex.com
TRAPEX R form following function Flush pulls See full details next page Finishes : SS, PS, PB, BZ, SAA trapex hardware ltd www.trapex.com : info@trapex.com +44 (0)1992 462150 TRAPEX R form form following following function function Product Code 12.5 7003 7704 7005 7003 50mm dia 80mm dia 100mm dia 7004 7005 Code Illustration 20.7005.SS = 100mm dia Stainless Steel Finishes : SS, PS, PB, BZ, SAA

68faf3 B7b8b21ca1ed45e5a7a50751ea4c43f8
68faf3 B7b8b21ca1ed45e5a7a50751ea4c43f8
22/07/2024 - www.trapex.com
TRAPEX R form following function Sliding Door Pulls Product Code 7015 75mm dia 75 54 7018 Leading edge pull 29.5 7018 Door leading edge pull 22 25.3 Finishes : SN trapex hardware ltd www.trapex.com : info@trapex.com +44 (0)1992 462150

68faf3 25ce3f9f0d9f45269ce53f56bb119dcc
68faf3 25ce3f9f0d9f45269ce53f56bb119dcc
22/07/2024 - www.trapex.com
TRAPEX R form following function Cupboard Pulls Product Code Listed by line draw product 6003 6007 6002 6006 6001 6005 6000 6004 10mm dia 10mm dia Finishes : SS, PS trapex hardware ltd www.trapex.com : info@trapex.com +44 (0)1992 462150

68faf3 8e525298f89248e7a7da307099de54f2
68faf3 8e525298f89248e7a7da307099de54f2
22/07/2024 - www.trapex.com
TRAPEX R form following function Flush pulls Product Code 7003.SS.SF + 52mm dia Riser door pull 52 + Welded on on rear Screw On Finishes : SS,PS trapex hardware ltd www.trapex.com : info@trapex.com +44 (0)1992 462150

68faf3 49512f5180154fb093a539f527871fd8
68faf3 49512f5180154fb093a539f527871fd8
22/07/2024 - www.trapex.com
TRAPEX R form following function Leading edge pull Product Code 7009 + + 82 63 72 + + + 15 + + 24 + Finishes : PS trapex hardware ltd www.trapex.com : info@trapex.com +44 (0)1992 462150

16/12/2024 - www.renolit.com
Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

14/12/2024 - www.pilkington.com
Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

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