2103 Stampcretecorporate

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Privately-owned and operated since 1984, Stampcrete International has been supplying the decorative concrete industry with the finest products and equipment in the industry.
We continue to strive on providing you the most innovative products to satisfy you and your customer's requests to our utmost ability by staying on the leading edge of technology. The Stampcrete system meets the needs of the residential, commercial,
architectural and municipal markets as the jobs you will see within show.
Stampcrete has many Patents and Trademarks we hold on both designs and systems,
of which some being U.S. Patent number 5,061,172 and U.S. Patent number 5,219,511.
We are also the original patent holder of the ADA Truncated Dome design for castin-place concrete, number 5,271,690 and currently have a Patent Pending on the new Linear Pattern for producing Truncated Domes.
With over 2,000 installers located throughout the United States, our contractors are there to meet your decorative concrete needs from California to Maine, and
Florida to Washington.
On behalf of Stampcrete International, we would like to thank all the Residential and Commercial Contractors who have been using our decorative concrete systems over the past couple of decades. We invite you to only settle for the best and to see what Stampcrete can offer you. God Bless.


Stampcrete International, ltd.



Large Herringbone

Arizona Flagstone with texturing stone borders


Stampcrete International, ltd.


Arizona Flagstone

River Rock


Stampcrete International, ltd.

Dans la boutique

Chinese Lres Opt
Chinese Lres Opt
31/07/2024 - www.stampcrete.com
ii Stampcrete International, ltd. www.stampcrete.com www.stampcrete.com Stampcrete International, ltd. 1 2 Stampcrete International, ltd. www.stampcrete.com www.stampcrete.com Stampcrete International, ltd. 3 4 Stampcrete International, ltd. www.stampcrete.com www.stampcrete.com Stampcrete International, ltd. 5 6 Stampcrete International, ltd. www.stampcrete.com www.stampcrete.com Stampcrete International, ltd. 7 8

33122 Stampcrete Product Catalog Rev Proof
33122 Stampcrete Product Catalog Rev Proof
31/07/2024 - www.stampcrete.com
EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT CATALOG NEW DESIGN Random Ashlar Slate Save time by including your shipping charges when using your credit card. 36 x36  Questions, Email info@stampcrete.com or call 800-233-3298 315-451-2837 FAX 315-451-2290 325 Commerce Boulevard " Liverpool, New York 13088 USA In North America: 1-800-233-3298 Email: info@stampcrete.com www.stampcrete.com POPULAR STAMP DESIGNS ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION SIZE PRICE ST-143 Designer Octagon 6pc. set includes 4 Rigid Tools 38  x 38...

French Lres Opt
French Lres Opt
31/07/2024 - www.stampcrete.com
Brochure Entreprise privée fondée en 1984, Stampcrete International fournit l'industrie du béton d'ornement en produits et matériels de la plus haute qualité. Notre objectif est de continuer à vous apporter les produits les plus novateurs pour satisfaire à vos besoins et répondre aux exigences de vos clients en restant à la pointe de la technologie. Comme le démontrent nos ouvrages, le système Stampcrete répond aux besoins des marchés résidentiels, commerciaux, architecturaux et...

Japanese Lres Opt
Japanese Lres Opt
31/07/2024 - www.stampcrete.com
0³0Ý0ì0ü0È0Ñ0ó0Õ0ì0Ã0È —^Ql•‹Oim0g0B0‹ Stampcrete International 0o01984 ^t0nRuimNåge0imuL0nN-0g0‚gšØ}0n ˆýTÁ0hj_gP0’u(0D0_ŽˆÅ0³0ó0¯0ê0ü0È0’cÐO›0W0f0M0~0W0_0_Sy>ˆýTÁ0’0TR)u(0D0_0`0OOim0n v†iØ00~0_0]0n0J[¢iØ0k0Tn€³0D0_0`0Q0‹0ˆ0F0^80kgQHzN0nb€ˆS0’™ÆO0W0_e°0W0DˆýTÁ0ncÐ O›0’vîc0W0`Ü0W00j0DRªR›0’}š0Q0f0D0~0Y0Stampcrete 0n0·0¹0Æ0à0o00S0S0g0‚0T}9NË0Y0‹ 0ˆ0F0kOO[…0UF]å0^ú{É0QlŠ-^X40j0i0U0~0V0~0j0Ë0ü0º0kT00[0T0fR)u(0D0_0`0Q0~0Y0 Stampcrete...

German Lres Opt
German Lres Opt
31/07/2024 - www.stampcrete.com
FIRMENBROSCHÜRE Stampcrete International beliefert die Zierbetonindustrie seit 1984 mit den branchenweit besten Produkten und Geräten. Das Unternehmen befindet sich in Privatbesitz. Wir sind ständig darum bemüht, Ihnen die innovativsten Produkte anzubieten, um Ihre Anforderungen und die Ihrer Kunden zu erfüllen, indem wir auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik bleiben. Das Stampcrete-System erfüllt die Anforderungen der privaten, gewerblichen, architektonischen und städtischen Märkte, wie...

Portuguese Lres Opt
Portuguese Lres Opt
31/07/2024 - www.stampcrete.com
BROCHURA DA EMPRESA De propriedade privada e a funcionar desde 1984, a Stampcrete International tem vindo a fornecera indústria do betão decorativo com os melhores produtos e equipamentos do sector. Continuamos a esforçar-nos ao máximo para lhe fornecer os produtos mais inovadores para o satisfazer a si, e igualmente os pedidos dos seus clientes, dentro das nosssas melhores capacidades, permanecendo na vanguarda da tecnologia. O sistema Stampcrete vai de encontro às necessidades dos mercados...

Spanish Lres Opt
Spanish Lres Opt
31/07/2024 - www.stampcrete.com
FOLLETO CORPORATIVO Stampcrete International, empresa fundada en 1984 de propiedad y explotación privadas, lleva suministrando los productos y equipos de mejor calidad del sector a la industria del hormigón decorativo. Seguimos esforzándonos para proporcionarle los productos más innovadores, satisfacer sus propias peticiones, así como las de sus clientes de la mejor manera posible manteniéndonos a la vanguardia de la tecnología. El sistema de Stampcrete satisface las necesidades de los...

Russian Lres Opt Rsize
Russian Lres Opt Rsize
31/07/2024 - www.stampcrete.com
 +  !" $ + '0AB=0O :>B05B A 1984 3., ?>AB02;OO 4;O ?@54?@8OB89, 8A?>;L7CNI8E 2 A2>59 45OB5;L=>AB8 45:>@0B82=K9 15B>=, =08;CGH85 2 >B@0A;8 8745;8O 8 >1>@C4>20=85. A?>;L7CO A02K5 B5E=>;>388, 4>;605< ?@8;030BL 2;5B2>@OBL 20H8 70?@>AK 8 70?@>AK 20H8E 70:07G8:>2,...

Porte cobalt Pts
Porte cobalt Pts
13/02/2012 - www.technal.fr
Cobalt : composés ; châssis fixe et fenêtre coulissante 10/03 04 - 2.2 - Applications : - Coupes (échelle 1/2) : Fixe latéral Sur allège Sous imposte - Elévation : 1B 1A Fenêtre 2 vantaux + fixe latéral (vue de l'extérieur) 1 B' 66 Meneau, échelle 1/4 85 Coupe verticale 1 B - B' 150 Coupe horizontale 1 A - A' 136,5

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Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

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Tonon Evolution Design 2020 EN DE RU 07082019
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Capacité des planchers - ENTREPOSE Echafaudages
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N o t i c e t e c h n i q u e 01.04.15 Capacité des planchers Capacité du platelage disposition des planchers en continu Moise Longueur plancher 70 100 150 200 250 300 35 600 600 600 600 600 450 50 600 600 600 600 600 450 70 600 600 600 600 600 450 100 600 600 600 578 458 378 150 600 518 338 248 194 158 180 470 322 207 150 115 92 200 335 228 144 103 78 250 169 112 300 99 Les capacités des platelages dans les tableaux ci -contre ( en daN / m2 ) sont limitées...