20240423 Deceuninck Annual General Meeting Dividend

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Press release
Regulated information
Tuesday April 23rd 2024 at 9.00 PM CET

Annual General Meeting and Dividend
On April 23rd 2024, Deceuninck organized its Annual General Meeting at its headquarters in HoogledeGits, Belgium.
All agenda items were approved by the shareholders. Details of the voting results and minutes of the meeting (in Dutch) will be available at https://www.deceuninck.com/investors/share-shareholderinformation/shareholder-meetings/
Dividend increase by 14%
Following the proposal of the Board of Directors, the General Meeting approved a gross dividend over
2023 of 8 eurocents ( ¬ 0,08) per share, which represents an increase of 14% versus 2022 ( ¬ 0,07).
Ex-dividend date:
Record date:
Payment date:

May 6th 2024
May 7th 2024
May 8th 2024

In line with earlier communication done per February 28th 2024 at the announcement of our FY 2023
results, we reconfirm our outlook of delivering a strong profitability in challenging market conditions.

End of press release
About Deceuninck
Founded in 1937, Deceuninck is a top 3 independent manufacturer of PVC and composite profiles for windows and doors.
Headquartered in Hooglede-Gits (BE), Deceuninck is organized in 3 geographical segments: Europe, North America and
Turkey & Emerging Markets. Deceuninck operates 17 vertically integrated manufacturing facilities, which together with 16
sales and distribution entities guarantee the necessary service and response time to Customers. Deceuninck strongly focuses on innovation, sustainability and reliability. Deceuninck is listed on Euronext Brussels ( DECB ).
Contact Deceuninck: Hannes Debecker " T +32 51 239 587 " Investor.Relations@deceuninck.com


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