2022 04 27 Pr Nexans First Quarter 2022

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :



Strong and selective value growth across all businesses, setting a robust basis for the year
2022 guidance confirmed
Successfully managing a challenging environment - Auto-harness Ukraine units maintained at 85% capacity in Q1, now back to 100%
Implementing the 2022-2024 Winds of change   reorganized businesses around six segments
Completion of the Centelsa acquisition in Colombia early April


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Standard sales stood at 1,623 million euros, up +6.1% organically compared to first-quarter 2021
and +16.3% organically excluding Metallurgy, reflecting robust demand across markets and an acceleration in electrification trends globally
Demand drove healthy backlog growth (+19% year-on-year) with Generation & Transmission adjusted backlog1 at 2.4 billion euros up +52% compared to March 2021
Excellent customer traction for our services and solutions and customer-focused innovations continued apace as part of our SHIFT Prime and Amplify programs
Safety of our people and continuity of Auto-harnesses operations ensured in the Western Ukraine with units output and delivery capacities maintained at 85% during the quarter and organic standard sales growth of +16% in Auto-harnesses activity
Cost pass through mechanism, successful monitoring of supply chain challenges and disciplined pricing measures supported margins
S&P rating upgraded to BB+ confirming the Group's successful transformation
2022 guidance2 confirmed, supported by selective sales growth and transformation program

Paris, April 27, 2022  Today, Nexans published its financial information for the first quarter of 2022.
Commenting on the Group's highlights, Christopher Guérin, Nexans' Chief Executive Officer, said: During the first quarter, our priority was the safety of the teams working for our Automotive Harnesses business in
Western Ukraine. Our sites continued to operate at over 85% of their nominal capacity, and business is now back to normal, which is remarkable in the context of the war. At present, we can only hope for a cessation of hostilities as soon as possible and a return to diplomacy in the country.

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