2022 02 16 Pr Nexans Full Year 2021

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :



Strong 2021 execution across all businesses drives outstanding EBITDA, Free Cash Flow and ROCE performance
High quality 2.2 billion euros adjusted Subsea High Voltage backlog reflecting unique riskreward model
As per new strategic plan, investment in Halden plant capacity extension initiated
Upturn in net income at 164 million euros supported by copper price increase
Proposed dividend of 1.2 euro per share, progressing from 0.7 euro in 2020
On track on our ESG Commitments, and stepping up thanks to the appointment of Marc
Grynberg as Climate Director 
Successful turnaround as Nexans closes the first chapter of the New Nexans 
Transformation and powering ahead to electrification as the Group initiates the second chapter, Winds of Change 


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Standard sales up +8.3% organic growth year-on-year at 6,054 million euros in 2021, with a sound fourth quarter up +8.5%, supported by strong demand, positive mix/price management and
High Voltage & Projects year-end ramp up in line with project phasing
Current sales at 7,374 million euros in 2021, up +26% vs. 2020, in light of copper price inflation
EBITDA of 463 million euros and EBITDA margin at 7.6%, up +157 bps against 2020, thanks to selective growth, effective handling of raw material supply and cost inflation, structural complexity and cost reductions powered by New Nexans  Transformation plan
Outperformance in ROCE3 at 16.4% end of December 2021 despite strategic capex

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