2021 Nexans Universal Registration Document

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Electrify the Future
including the integrated report and the ûnancial report


Integrated Report

or the first time in 2022, Nexans is publishing its 2021 Integrated Report as the opening chapter of the 2021 Universal Registration Document.
The objective is to link information even more closely in order to provide a comprehensive and integrated view of the Group's organization.
This expanded report reflects Nexans' ability to create value for the benefit of all its stakeholders. It also presents the highlights of our New Nexans strategy,
our business model, the acceleration of our innovation and our CSR policy,
particularly our commitment to the climate.
However, the 2021 Integrated Report continues to stand on its own as an ad-hoc report that can be consulted and downloaded from the Nexans website www.nexans.com, in the News  section.

NEXANS' DNA ...................................................................... 2
WORLD PRESENCE 2021 ........................................................ 4
EVERYDAY ELECTRIFICATION ................................................... 6
OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ............................................... 8

Expanding Governance ...................................12
Transforming Megatrends ................................28

4 Corporate Governance

Accelerating Performance ................................38

4.1 Corporate Governance Code


Integrating Growth ...........................................54

4.2 Governance structure


Giving Meaning ................................................72

Dans la boutique

kV - Nexans
kV - Nexans
30/06/2016 - www.nexans.com
EXTRÉMITÉ UNIPOLAIRE D EXTÉRIEUR THERMORÉTRACTABLE POUR ZONE POLLUÉE 105. Type EUEP pour tension maximale de 18/30 (36) kV Utilisation S Montage sur câble moyenne tension à isolation synthétique : - Normes : - NF C 33-220 - NF C 33-223 S Section : - de 25 à 1200 mm2 S Conditionnement : - 1 jeu de 3 extrémités par boîte Installation Chaque conditionnement contient le nécessaire pour réaliser une extrémité d extérieur pour zone polluée ainsi qu une notice de montage détaillée. Les...

30/06/2016 - www.nexans.com
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30/06/2016 - www.nexans.com
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kV - Nexans
kV - Nexans
30/06/2016 - www.nexans.com
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-4.2% -24%

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19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
PRESS RELEASE NEXANS POSTS A SOLID PERFORMANCE FOR THE FIRST HALF 2019 " Sales of 3.432 billion euros, representing +5.0% organic growth1 " EBITDA of 195 million euros2 for the first half 2019 (versus 153 million euros in first half 2018), up +19% like-for-like " Progress of the New Nexans plan in line with expectations, contributing +48 million euros to EBITDA before price cost-squeeze " Reorganization costs of -182 million euros impacting net income Group share (-116 million euros) ...

09/04/2011 - www.resistex-sa.com
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