2020 07 29 Nexans Half Year Financial Report

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :





SIGNIFICANT EVENTS OF FIRST-HALF 2020 .................................................................................................. 3


COVID-19 - CONSEQUENCES ON OPERATIONS, RESULTS AND FINANCING ........................................................... 3
ASSET DISPOSAL PROGRAMS ........................................................................................................................... 3

OPERATIONS DURING FIRST-HALF 2020 ....................................................................................................... 4

ANALYSIS BY SEGMENT.................................................................................................................................... 5
ACCELERATING THE NEW NEXANS  2019-2021 PLAN ...................................................................................... 7
OTHER ITEMS IN THE FIRST-HALF 2020 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT ...................................................... 8


2020 OUTLOOK REINSTATED ........................................................................................................................... 9


RISK FACTORS AND MAIN UNCERTAINTIES ............................................................................................... 10


RELATED-PARTY TRANSACTIONS ................................................................................................................ 13

Consolidated income statement ................................................................................................................................. 16
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income .................................................................................................... 17
Consolidated statement of financial position .............................................................................................................. 18
Consolidated statement of changes in equity ............................................................................................................. 19
Consolidated statement of cash flows ........................................................................................................................ 20
NOTES TO THE INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS .............................................................. 21

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