2018 Nexans Integrated Report

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2018 CSR performance
for and by our stakeholders


Creating value for all


Listening to our stakeholders


Sharing value with stakeholders


People, at the heart of our strategy


Dans la boutique

2020 02 20 Presentation Nexans Fy 2019
2020 02 20 Presentation Nexans Fy 2019
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
Nexans 2019 Full Year Results Paris, 20th February 2020 Safe Harbor This presentation contains forward-looking statements which are subject to various expected or unexpected risks and uncertainties that could have a material impact on the Company's future performance. Readers are also invited to visit the Group's website where they can view and download the presentation of the 2019 annual results to analysts as well as the 2019 financial statements and Nexans Universal Registration Document, which...

2022 07 27 Nexans H1 2022 Financial Statements
2022 07 27 Nexans H1 2022 Financial Statements
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
The limited review procedures were carried out and the Statutory Auditors' report is being issued at the date of the results publication. 6 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6.1. Consolidated financial statements .................................................................................. 2 6.1.1. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 2 6.1.2. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME .............................................................................................

2019 Nexans Integrated Report
2019 Nexans Integrated Report
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
THE ENERGY OF CHANGE 2019 I N T E G R AT E D R E P O R T I N T E G R AT E D R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 NEXANS Contents Profile  1 INDUSTRIAL AMBITION 2 Interview with Christopher Guérin, Chief Executive Officer 4 Over 120 years of history 6 Seven opportunity-rich megatrends 8 Indicators10 Significant events of 2019 12 Towards a New Nexans  16 A LEADER IN THE ENERGY  AND DIGITAL TRANSITION 18 Strategy20 Business model: creating value beyond cables24 Highlights: A RESPONSIBLE...

09/04/2011 - www.nexans.com
Pressemelding Nexans og Sercel på dypt vann Nexans og Sercel SA har gjennomført vellykkede førstegangsprøver i felten på et nytt system for seismiske undersøkelser på havbunnen. Systemet kalt "Deep Sea Link", har de to selskapene utviklet gjennom et mangeårig samarbeide. Feltprøven ble foretatt i en norsk fjord på en vanndybde på 500 m, og en rekke forskjellige tester ble foretatt over en 5-dagers periode. Prøvene anses for å ha vært meget vellykkede. Det...

2022 07 27 Pr Nexans H1 2022
2022 07 27 Pr Nexans H1 2022
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
PRESS RELASE _ NEXANS: RECORD-HIGH FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FULL-YEAR 2022 GUIDANCE UPGRADED " " " " " Record-high EBITDA, net income and ROCE performances, underpinned by strong momentum and Nexans' transformation platform The combination of transformation plan & strategic choices prove their efficiency & relevance: o The Amplify & SHIFT programs deliver an additional 25 million euro EBITDA impact o Outstanding high quality 2.2 billion euro adjusted Generation & Transmission backlog 1 up...

2020 Nexans Integrated Report
2020 Nexans Integrated Report
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
Nexans: Electrify the future 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT CONTENTS Focus on Covid -19 2 Turning adversity into opportunity  BECAUSE THE FUTURE IS NOW FOR NEXANS' ENERGY INTELLIGENCE Message 6 From the desk of Christopher Guérin, Chief Executive Officer Governance An Executive Committee tailored to our industrial ambition 10 P. 40 Board of Directors An aligned and committed Board of Directors  The Group's collegial management 12 14 BECAUSE ELECTRIFICATION IS IN OUR DNA Electricity...

2023 02 15 Pr Nexans 2022 Full Year Earnings
2023 02 15 Pr Nexans 2022 Full Year Earnings
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
PRESS RELEASE _ A RECORD YEAR: ALL-TIME HIGH EBITDA, CASH GENERATION AND ROCE NEW NEXANS MODEL POWERING PERFORMANCE AND RESILIENCE " " " " " " +12.9% organic growth compared to 2021 in Electrification businesses, driven by value Continued deployment of Nexans' Electrification Pure Player strategic roadmap o Centelsa integration ahead of plan, one acquisition announced in Electrification segments and proposed divestment of Telecom Systems activity o Amplify & SHIFT Prime programs accelerating...

2024 02 15 Pr Nexans Fy 2023 Earnings
2024 02 15 Pr Nexans Fy 2023 Earnings
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
NEXANS DELIVERS ROBUST PERFORMANCE IN 2023 _PRESS RELEASE_ " " " " " " " " 2023 standard sales of ¬6.5 billion, ¬7.8 billion current sales, strong profitability expansion and excellent cash generation Nexans delivered on all its objectives, which were upgraded last July, confirming the depth of its transformation year after year o Adj. EBITDA1 at a historic high of ¬665 million, up +8% year-on-year, and adj. EBITDA margin at 10.2%; EBITDA including share-based payments at ¬652...

testo Saveris LifeScience, solution modulaire comple'te de monitoring des donne'es de mesure : trac'abilite' e'prouve'e et adapte'e
testo Saveris LifeScience, solution modulaire comple'te de monitoring des donne'es de mesure : trac'abilite' e'prouve'e et adapte'e
24/02/2020 - www.andresudrie.com
Information Presse Fevrier 2020 Stand B22 Solution de mesure testo pour les Sciences de la Vie testo Saveris LifeScience Solution modulaire complete de monitoring des donnees de mesure : tracabilite eprouvee et adaptee Dans le secteur des sciences l'assurance qualite est primordiale. de la vie, La nouvelle solution de monitoring des donnees de mesure centralisee testo Saveris LifeScience enregistre et analyse l'ensemble des donnees ambiantes critiques (temperature, humidite) dans les grands...

09/02/2012 - www.hager.fr
La formation professionnelle Tébis : L'installation électrique communicante configur ée par ETS Face à la demande croissante de gestion technique dans les bâtiments à usage tertiaire et résidentiel, ce stage vous apporte les connaissances nécessaires pour concevoir et mettre en oeuvre une installation électrique communicante avec le système Tébis. Pensé par des électriciens pour des électriciens, le système Tébis s'appuie sur la technologie KNX, le...

Flue Sge Uk
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19/06/2024 - aosmithinternational.com
Flue gas discharge material Dimensions configurations SGE 40 / 60 Wall duct concentric Wall duct concentric B Y A V W Ø100/150 550 790 2335 1475 1025 0 RELEASE min. 0 0 REV. A B A+B bends A4 WALL DUCT ASSY SGE II 7665 MS 190110 CHG.NO. BY DATE

M i c r o s o f t W o r d - B R I O E C O 3 I P 4 2 L S L . d o c
M i c r o s o f t W o r d - B R I O E C O 3 I P 4 2 L S L . d o c
10/03/2012 - kaufelfr.tnb.com
Profil Environnemental Produit Bloc autonome d'éclairage de sécurité Ce document répond aux exigences de la norme NF ISO 14 020 établissant les principes directeurs pour le développement et déclarations environnementales ainsi qu'à celle de la norme ISO 14 025 établissant les principes et les procédures de développement de déclarations environnementales de type III. Mise à jour : 21 décembre 2009 1. Description du produit Référence : 246 812 & 247...

Product Fiche Sgs 100 G
Product Fiche Sgs 100 G
19/06/2024 - aosmithinternational.com
A.O. Smith SGS 100 3XL - 92 64 39 - - - - 65 59 - -

Press Estiluz Vivir En El Campo June21 Int
Press Estiluz Vivir En El Campo June21 Int
16/07/2024 - www.estiluz.com