2018 02 15 Nexans 2017 Management Report

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Nexans - 2017 MANAGEMENT REPORT - Page 1/140

A global player in the cable industry linking people, ideas and the future




Cables make up a hidden network powering everything around us. Millions of homes, cities, businesses are powered every day by Nexans' high-quality sustainable cabling solutions. Both economic development and quality of life are dependent on access to energy and information, building and infrastructure safety, and the movement of goods and people.
As a global player in the cable industry, Nexans is behind the scenes delivering the innovative services and resilient products that carry thousands of watts of energy and terabytes of data per second around the world. We help our customers meet the challenges they face in the fields of energy infrastructure,
energy resources, transport, buildings, telecom and data, providing them with solutions and services for the most complex cable applications in the most demanding environments.
With over 120 years of experience we drive a safer, smarter and more efficient future. On the leading edge of the cable industry, Nexans brings energy to life.
Nexans is listed on the regulated market of Euronext Paris.


At current copper prices.

As a member of the United Nations Global Compact, Nexans is committed to supporting and implementing ten universally-accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor,
the environment and anti-corruption.


Nexans - 2017 MANAGEMENT REPORT - Page 2/140

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19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
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09/04/2011 - www.nexans.com
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