1559 1699017021

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

ORIGEM Capsule Collection



Dimension (LxWxT)




Mass per unit


Kgs / m2

Packaging (box / pallet)



Level of use Domestic

ISO 10874




Level of use Commercial

ISO 10874




Side length
Squareness and Straightness of edges

Dans la boutique

1560 1699017021
1560 1699017021
06/08/2024 - www.wicanders.com
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1559 1699017021
06/08/2024 - www.wicanders.com
ORIGEM Capsule Collection FLOOR TECHNICAL DATA SHEET STANDARD UNIT / REQUIREMENT Dimension (LxWxT) - mm VALUE Mass per unit - Kgs / m2 Packaging (box / pallet) - m2 Level of use Domestic ISO 10874 Class 23 23 Level of use Commercial ISO 10874 Class - 33 Side length Squareness and Straightness of edges

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