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technical sheet

rev. no.:

Stretchfor rescue lanyard


The Stretchfor rescue lanyard has been designed as a dual purpose shock absorbing lanyard that meets both fall arrest and rescue applications.The primary function of the Stretchfor rescue lanyard is to serve as a shock absorber which arrests a fall by reducing the impact forces and absorbing the energy that occurs during the fall. The Stretchfor rescue lanyard s secondary function is to act as a rescue line by providing an in-line connection point which allows the victim to be raised or lowered safely after the fall. The rescue ring on the unit allows the rescue team an easy access connection point so that the lanyard,
which is under tension of the victim s weight, can be disconnected from the user s anchorage point allowing for a more effective and time efficient rescue.
The rescue lanyard is composed of a specially woven core material, structural tubular sheath webbing and an internal elastic retainer. The core material is constructed to stretch when dynamically loaded which, during a fall, controls the deceleration speed and distance as well as reducing the impact forces and absorbing the energy on the user. The internal elastic retainer is designed to control the lanyards length from approximately 4½ to 6 ft. (1.3 to 1.8m)
which reduces trip hazards while walking and climbing yet gives the user full working range and mobility. The outer tubular sheath acts as a protective cover against cuts and abrasion with a 7,500-lbs. (33.3 kN) structural safety factor surrounding the inner core material.


Another added safety feature of the Stretchfor rescue lanyard is a built-in impact indicator on the leg near the snap hook. This fold-over  indicator is designed to rip  the impact stitch which indicates to the user that the lanyard has been impacted and should be removed from service. It also service as an inspection point that the worker can easily reference upon each use of the lanyard.
When a fall occurs, the sudden stop caused by the fall arrest system submits the human body to a high impact force (the longer the free fall distance,
the higher the force).
The purpose of the shock absorber is to lower the impact force experienced in a fall by dissipating the kinetic energy and controlling deceleration. This action limits the impact force to less than 900 lbs. (4 kN).
The dual arm model allows the worker to remain safely connected at all time

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