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Electronic Louver Control Installation Instructions
Order no.: 0395 00

Electronic Louver Control Insert without neutral conductor

1. Function
The louver insert without neutral conductor is used in electrical installations without neutral conductor (N). The existing mechanical shutter switch can therefore be replaced directly by a comfortable control unit with the blind/shutter insert without neutral conductor. The louver insert without neutral conductor is a component of the Louver Control System and is used in conjunction with attachments of the Louver Control System in a mounting box acc. to DIN 49073 (deep box recommended). By replacing the attachment it is therefore possible to realize systems with manual operation, comfortable operation by radio remote control or timercontrolled fully automatic operation. The insert is equipped with two mechanically interlocked relay power contacts. The simultaneous activation of both moving directions of the shutter motor connected is thus excluded. The insert has 3 connecting terminals (1) and a 6-pole interface connector (2) for connection of the attachment. In addition, a 3-pole terminal block (3) can be placed into the insert (supplied with inserts with sensor input). This terminal block can be used to connect different sensors to the insert when attachments with sensor input are installed: · Sun protection / twilight sensor (order no. 0930 00) · Glass breakage sensor (order no. 0931 00)

Attention: Connect only one motor with limit switches and a power consumption of 1000 W max. to each insert. Do not use isolating relays. It is absolutely necessary to check the motor for suitability as described in chapter 4.

2. Equipment combinations
Depending on the attachment used, the following functions can be implemented: Control push-button (order no. 0644 .., 0820 ..) Pushbutton for manual operation. (see 'control push-button' operating instructions).

Electronic Louver Control


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Electronic Louver Control Installation Instructions
Electronic louver control easy or Comfort electronic louver control Timer for automatic control with programmable switching times. See also the operating instructions of: Electronic louver control easy (order no. 0841 ..) and Comfort electronic louver control (order no. 0646 .., 0823 ..).

Radio control push-button with sensor evaluation (order no. 0545 ..) Pushbutton for manual and radio remote-control operation (see 'radio control push-button with sensor evaluation' operating instructions).


Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So

Auto/Man prog


Control push-button with memory function (order no. 0822 ..) Pushbutton for manual operation with additional automatic control. With its memory function for an UP and a DOWN movement, this attachment permits simple and individual programming. Both shutter movement times are repeated once every 24 hours (see 'control push-button with memory function' operating instructions) If the above attachments are used in the versions with sensor input, the glass breakage alarm and sun protection functions can also be implemented.

When the versions with sensor input are used, the following functions are available in addition: · glass breakage alarm · sun protection function · twilight function


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