cedo design rudi meyer - Marcal

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design rudi meyer

cedo A
w 25 x h 25 x d 4 mm w 0,98 x h 0,98 x d 0,15"

w 275 x h 275 x d 4 mm w 10,83 x h 10,83 x d 0,15"

cedo B
w 25 x h 75 x d 4 mm w 0,98 x h 2,95 x d 0,15"

aluminium: microbillé anodisé naturel,
natural anodized micro-sand blasted,
micro-arenado anodizado natural,
micro-sabbiato anodizzato naturale,
mikro-sandgestrahlt naturfarben eloxiert,

cedo C
w 275 x h 25 x d 4 mm w 10,83 x h 0,98 x d 0,15"


laiton poli miroir,
mirror polished brass, latón pulido brillante,
ottone luccidato,
glänzend poliert messing, žÄ’… 0¢0ë0ß0Ý0ê0Ã0·0å

cedo D
w 275 x h 75 x d 4 mm w 10,83 x h 2,95 x d 0,15"

PP polypropylène

aluminium: microbillé anodisé naturel,
natural anodized micro-sand blasted,
micro-arenado anodizado natural,
micro-sabbiato anodizzato naturale,
mikro-sandgestrahlt naturfarben eloxiert,

laiton poli miroir,

Dans la boutique

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