The new website: international and efficient, in the image of an enterprising Group

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The new website:

international and e cient, in the image of an enterprising Group on-line on the website

Ranked among the European leaders on the plywood market, the Joubert Group stands apart by a long tradition of excellence that it perpetuates both through the o er of its products and its customer service. The new website completely reinvented by Joubert and produced by Le Goues & Associés agency illustrates this brilliantly. It is focused on the future and on customer relationships, and is made in the image of a dynamic Group for the international building, ttings and nautical construction markets. professionals (merchants and end users). It is also an opportunity doc. Joubert

This new on-line guide brings even more services and answers for the to rediscover the Joubert range of products and its performances, notably through signi cant achievements using Joubert plywood, but also to give you an insight into the omnipresent strategy of the Joubert Group : ecocerti cation.

The Homepage of the new Joubert Group website : high-quality services and information, all presented in 6 di erent languages.

2, Place Cap Ouest - B.P. 169 - 17005 La Rochelle Cedex 1 - France Tel. +33 (0)5 46 50 15 15 - Fax +33 (0)5 46 50 15 19 e-mail : - Website:

Computer les available upon request

PRESS RELEASE - april 2008

Available in 10 versions (French, Dutch, German, Italian, Walloon Belgian, Flemish Belgian, Swiss french, Swiss german, Spanish and international), the new Joubert Group website displays its international vocation and its array of services for its partners. The application uses a technology which enables internet users, depending on their geographical situation, to be led directly to their corresponding version, which of course not only has its linguistic specificities, but also an adapted presentation of the products. Multilingual (French, English, German, Italian, Spanish and Dutch), this particularly elaborate website illustrates the openness and the development of the Group. It echoes the values that Joubert has upheld since its creation: quality, customer service and also innovation by continually offering new technical solutions; all this with utter respect for the environment.

Modernised and tailored to meet the technical expectations of the professionals, the website has been conceived for two di erent targets: < Accessible to all, the service for purchasing advisors and end users enables one to discover the history of the Group and key figures, the importance of quality for Joubert and also the complete offer of plywood, through the Joubert range. This section of the website gives the visitors access to a detailed presentation of the products, the book of achievements with Joubert panels and also the commitments of the Group in terms of eco-environment. Making the access to information easier, the new products and news are posted on a day-to-day basis on the homepage. Highly functional, the website enables one to access all the practical information with just one click: list of sales outlets, media desk and frequently asked questions. < Reserved for members and only accessible with an access code, the Joubert Partner space enables the professionals to benefit from an optimal and personal service, according to the nature of their work and country. Purchasing advisors and merchants can also at any moment consult the manufacturing process, the characteristics of the products and their prices and packing details. With all the information you could possibly need, for instance the general rules of use or terms and conditions, this reserved access is a partner's-guide for professionals, who then have the assurance of achieving their work successfully within their deadlines.

Interactive and therefore efficient
By completely restructuring its internet portal, Joubert demonstrates it ability to adapt to the new needs of the market, particularly to the requirements of efficiency and rapidity of purchasing advisors and trade professionals. More complete, more informative and more welcoming, all the tricks of interactivity are used by the new Joubert Group website to pro-actively assist every project. Strengthening its close relationships with its customers, Joubert has set up a dedicated space on the website, Joubert Partner, in order to be in permanent contact with all the professionals. Also, thanks to constantly updated information, Joubert guarantees them online access to latest news, regulations and certifications as well as the achievements and projects of the Group. The website uses all the tools of interactivity to help the professionals save time and in turn satisfy the end client. The new Joubert portal makes the access to information easier, in only 3 clicks and with an optimal display and downloading speed. Plywood characteristics and product information sheets can therefore be found quickly thanks to a specially developed search engine or simply by following the clear and precise links : Range > Product > Technical and price information.
doc. Joubert

The new Joubert Group website : rapid access to information in only 3 clicks, and "Partner" access for professionals to an optimal service.
For further information please contact:

With an annual production of 70.000 m3 of top quality plywood panels, the Joubert Group has 3 production sites, one located in Port-Gentil (Gabon), employing 100 people and two production lines in France, one in Saint-Jeand'Angély (Charente-Maritime) and the other one (the rst historic unit of the Group) based in Auge-Saint-Médard (Charente), together employing a total of 270 people. In 2007, the Joubert Group, second European producer of Okoume throughout plywood, had a turnover of more than 70 million Euros, of which 65%for the export market .

doc. Joubert

Les Eliots Rue des Epinées 16170 Auge-St-Médard Tel.: + 33 (0)5 45 21 62 23 - Fax: + 33 (0)5 45 21 63 49 Website:

2, Place Cap Ouest - B.P. 169 - 17005 La Rochelle Cedex 1 - France Tel. +33 (0)5 46 50 15 15 - Fax +33 (0)5 46 50 15 19 e-mail : - Website:

Computer les available upon request

on-line on the website

PRESS RELEASE - april 2008

An international and efficient website with even more services

A personalised website with private Joubert partner access

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