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Job story 

Bobcat mini tracked loaders perfect fit for paper
Grupo Gares is a medium-sized service company operating in the province of Jaén in the southeast of Spain. The company specialises in the maintenance and cleaning of industrial facilities and is always on the look-out for multipurpose, versatile and profitable tools for this purpose.

By Eva Carrillo

As a customer of GGM Guillermo
García, the Bobcat dealer in the south of Spain, for 30 years, the company did not hesitate in seeking advice from
GGM on what product to choose.
Grupo Gares needed a machine to perform collection and cleaning tasks at a paper manufacture and recycling business. The product had to meet a number of essential requirements, such as manoeuvrability in tight spaces, easy handling by a single operator, high visibility and cause minimal disturbance of the working environment.
To fulfill these criteria, there was only one machine GGM could recommend:
the Bobcat MT52 mini tracked loader,
the ideal solution for the application.
The recommendation was supported by the excellent performance of the
Bobcat 751 skid-steer loader previously supplied by GGM for the Grupo
Gares fleet.

The faith shown in the Bobcat brand by
Grupo Gares has paid off as the MT52
has now been working with great success at the paper works for nearly two years now. It has exceeded our expectations,  said Pedro Espinola, Manager of Grupo Gares.
In this application, the operator normally uses two attachments, a loader bucket and an industrial grapple, but they know there are many more attachments available for the MT52 if the need arises.
Espinola added: We use the

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