Scraper Attachment Specifications

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Scrapers | Attachments

Scrapers | Specifications
· · · · Ice removal Municipalities Construction Road maintenance

Mini scraper Super scraper

Item number 6907177 6675211

Compatible with loader S70 S100, S130, S150, S160, S175, S185, S205, S220, S250, S300, S330, A300, T140, T190, T250, T300, T320 Shipping weight (kg) 59 102 Overall width (C) (straight) (mm) 914 1143 Overall height (B) (mm) with blade extention 485 483 Overall length (A) (mm) 1171 1397

Weights and dimensions
Operating weight (kg) Mini scraper Super scraper 45 78 Disk diameter (mm) 457 559

Performance & Characteristics
Mini scraper Super scraper



©2009 Bobcat EMEA 4453830-EN (06

Specifications and design are subject to change without notice. Pictures of Bobcat products may show other than standard equipment.

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