Flail Cutter Attachment specifications

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Flail Cutter


Flail Cutter


Standard features

‡ Variable-speed displacement motor allows the flail cutter to be "tuned in" to your machine, depending on its hydraulic capacity. By varying the motor displacement to accept auxiliary hydraulic flows ranging from 64 to 151 l/min, the flail cutter can be operated on many different carriers.
‡ Floating linkage is standard on the flail cutter. This, along with the attachment's compact deck length, lets the unit follow the contour of the land regardless of the pitch or attitude of the carrier, permitting the cutter up to ten degrees of oscillation.
‡ Safety compliance The flail cutter complies with the SAE J1001 standard for industrial flail mowers. It is standard-equipped with an automatic shut-off device which allows approximately ten inches of vertical travel in the Bob-Tach!"; mounting system before the flail cutter shuts down.
coarse for high-performance cutting.
Flail cutter FC155
Flail cutter FC175

Item number





Compatible with loader

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