Wisker Push Broom Attachment Specifications

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Whisker push brooms | Attachments

Whisker push brooms | Specifications
Main Features


Two sizes to choose from, a 183 cm and a 229 cm model
Mounting arms to quick-tach to general purpose, low profile and construction/industrial buckets.
Sweeps any material, wet OR dry, forwards OR backwards
Effectively cleans along curbs and other tight areas
20-30 times faster than hand sweeping.
Ideal for construction and municipality jobs
Item number

Whisker push broom 72 inch / 183 cm
Whisker push broom 90 inch / 229 cm

" Municipal jobs
" Construction

Compatible with loader
S130, S150, S160, S175, S185, S205, S220, S250, S300, S330, S630, S650, S770, A300, A770, T140, T190, T650
S150, S160, S175, S185, S205, S220, S250, S300, S330, S630, S650, S770, A300, A770, T190, T650

Weights and dimensions
Whisker push broom 72 inch / 183 cm
Whisker push broom 90 inch / 229 cm

Operating weight (kg)

Shipping weight (kg)

Overall width (C) (mm)

Overall height (B) (mm)

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