Snow Blade Attachment Brochure

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Snow Blade


Bobcat® Snow Blade - Angle Blade
Move or push snow quickly
The Bobcat Snow Blade is an excellent tool to quickly remove light or moderate snow from sidewalks and driveways. And with the optional end wing kit for the 213 cm and 244 cm models, the Bobcat Snow Blade becomes a high-production snow pusher ideal for parking lots and larger areas.
" Hydraulic cylinders angle moldboard left or right 30 degrees
" Moldboard has spring trip for component protection
" Adjustable depth shoes are standard equipment
" High visibility masts provided to locate blade corners
" Strong, high-carbon steel cutting edge for long life
" Optional rubber cutting edge to protect pavement surfaces available through
Bobcat Parts for 152 to 244 cm models
" Optional end wing kit turns Bobcat Snow Blades into snow pushers (end wing kit available for 213 and 244 cm models only)
" Quick loader hook-up with the exclusive Bob-Tach!" mounting system

Optional end wing kit for 213 cm and 244 cm models allows snow to be pushed straight with less end spill.

Bobcat® V-Blade
Far more versatility than a standard Snow Blade or Snow Bucket!
With ûve different blade conûgurations, the hydraulically operated V-Blade gives operators a choice of ways to move snow fast!
" V-Blade: clear a path through deep snow
" Straight Blade: pile large amounts of snow
" Scoop Blade: scoop, push or pile snow
" 30° Left or Right Angle Blade: continuously push snow to either side of the loader
More V-Blade features
" Fingertip adjustments of V-Blade s ûve conûgurations
" Multi-position frame allows blade to be raised or lowered to desired working height
" Domed, adjustable skid shoes and trip springs provide operator and component protection
" Standard 13 x 102 mm high-carbon steel cutting edges and blade height extensions
" Optional rubber cutting edge kits available (Bobcat Parts Service)

48 /122 cm
Utility/Snow Blade

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