T2566 Telescopic Specifications

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Telescopic Handlers





Lifting height
Rated capacity
Capacity (at max. height)
Capacity (at max. reach)
Max. reach
Crowding force

6450 mm
2500 kg
2500 kg
900 kg
4050 mm
3600 daN

Weight (unladen)

5350 kg

Standard tyres
Low speed (forward/reverse)
High speed (forward/reverse)
Driving modes

400/70x20 150B
0 8 km/h
0 30 km/h
Direct drive / soft drive

Back-up alarm
Second hydraulic function on boom
Cab air conditioning
Rear hydraulic hook and mirror
Rotating beacon
Cooling fan reverser for cleaning purposes
Rear hydraulic connection
Trailer brake valve

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