E55W Compact Excavator Specifications

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Compact Excavators

1920 mm dozer blade
2000 mm dipperstick
Boom load holding valve
Dozer blade safety valve
Fully adjustable air conditioning
Adjustable suspension seat with high back and lumbar support
Consoles with forwards/backwards adjustable displacement
Steering column with adjustable angle
Second auxiliary hydraulic line (Rotation piping)
Fingertip auxiliary hydraulic controls
Control console locks
Hydraulic joystick controls
Two-speed travel

Storage compartment
Work and travel lights
Seat belt
* TOPS/ROPS cabin
Harness for rotating beacon
Overload warning device
Sun visor
Two left and one right rear view mirrors
Electric refueling pump
Auto idle
Warranty: 12 months or 2000 hours (whichever comes first)

Operating weight with canopy
Operating weight with ROPS cab
Additional weight for twin tires
Additional weight for long dipperstick

5550 kg
360 kg
20 kg

Make / model
Fuel / Cooling
Bore / Stroke
Maximum power at 2400 RPM (SAE J1349)
Maximum torque at 1550 RPM (SAE Net)

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