E32 E35 Excavator Brochure

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E32  E35

Compact Excavators

Non-stop reliability n Designed to keep going
With tight deadlines, you don t have time for breakdowns
Our E32 and E35 mini-excavators offer maximum reliability  combined with the flexible, compact size you need for even your smallest sites!
By redesigning the boom structure and strengthening the undercarriage with wider sprockets and new sealed track rollers, the E32 and E35 are made even more robust.

Rigorous endurance tests confirm the durability and low operating cost of the E32 and E35. The result? First-rate reliability you can count on, plus great residual value.
n Material advantage
As a building contractor, you know that a super design means nothing if you don t build with the best-quality materials. And at Bobcat, we know it, too. All our components are top-of-the-line, from the new sealed,
maintenance-free track rollers to the impact-resistant polymer plastic used in the tail- and side-gates. So our machines can resist whatever your site throws at them.

With zero tail swing and an X-frame undercarriage for high ground clearance,
these compact excavators offer top performance in the most awkward spaces.

Smooth and strong n Smooth moves
High power is no longer enough
You need a machine that offers precision finish for your tasks. The E32 and E35 deliver smooth workgroup control, combined with all the hydraulic performance you need.
Whether you are digging a trench or loading trucks,
your job demands precision. Utilizing the latest in technology, the E32 and E35 deliver precise control without compromising on cycle times or breakout forces.

n Save money with auto-idle
Our auto-idle feature saves fuel, reduces on-site noise and creates a more comfortable environment for everyone.
n Auto-shift to next level
To make operation even easier, the auto-shift travel

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