Brochure MT55 Mini Tracked Loaders

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Mini Tracked Loaders


Mini in size  maxi in productivity!
n Fullfilling all needs
Landscapers, entrepreneurs, rental companies,
do-it-yourselfers  here is the ideal complement to your compact equipment fleet!
The MT55 is powerful, agile, fast and versatile!

n Performance in a smaller package
With an engine power of 17.5 kW and a load capacity of 254 kg the MT55 is the ideal machine for numerous applications, especially in landscaping and demolition.
It eliminates much of the back-breaking and labour intensive work. Moreover, as a tracked machine with low ground pressure, it minimizes damage to lawns and gardens.

n Versatility taken to the limit!
You can use more than 15 different attachments. The
MT55 digs, tills, trenches, sweeps, breaks up concrete,
moves material & and much more! You will be amazed at how productive the MT55 can be on any jobsite.

n Light and easily transportable
Thanks to its narrow width of 91 cm and compact size,
the MT55 allows you to work efficiently in tight spots,
indoors and outdoors, all year round. It passes easily through a 1 metre wide door and you can even drive up and down steps. With an operating weight of only
1186 kg, the MT55 is also very easy to transport on a trailer.

Simple to operate:
One-hand steering and intuitive responsive controls make it easy to operate.

n Ride on it or walk behind it!
" Available as a kit, the ride-on platform mounts or dismounts easily in seconds.
" Pivoting mount with trailer wheel offers a smooth ride.
" Large standing surface for comfort and convenience.

Durability that lasts:
The MT55 is powered by a rugged,
dependable Kubota liquid-cooled diesel engine for maximum

Dans la boutique

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