AL440 Articulated Loader Specifications

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Articulated Loaders

Machine Rating


Lift breakout force (ISO 8313)
Lift capacity (ISO 8313)
Tipping load, straight (ISO 8313)
Tipping load, articulated at 40° (ISO 8313)

Make / Model
Fuel / Cooling
Power (97/68 EC)
Power (ECE-R24)
Torque at 1400 RPM (ISO 9249)
Number of cylinders
Fuel tank capacity
Machine Rating
Lift breakout
Weights force (ISO 8313)
Lift capacity (ISO 8313)
Operating weight, standard
Tipping load, straight (ISO 8313)
Operating weight, high-speed option
Tipping load, articulated at 40° (ISO 8313)


Loading bucket
Loading bucket with grapple
Earth bucket
Light material bucket
Super-light material bucket
Multi-purpose bucket
Side-dump bucket
High-tip bucket
Quarry bucket
Pallet forks
Load hook attachable on pallet forks
Crane jib
Front ripper

55000 N
61000 N

Dans la boutique

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